Permanent effect

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Ava has been working for the past two weeks straight. And I mean only working, barley any breaks and just back-to-back recording for two weeks! God I want her at home, not even for me for her and her mental health. She's my my world and I can't live with her in pain. I got my phone out and texted her after about an hour she still didn't answer, so I called her; no answer. That's it I'm going over there, I'm fucking done and worried as hell.


"Hey Amara" I greeted the receptionist.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow sending her a 'what do you think I'm doing here' look "oooohh, Ava, that's right." I nodded and she signaled for me to go upstairs by pointing at the elevator and I headed in that direction.

I got to Ava's studio door, hearing a male voice yelling and I listened closely since it intrigued me. 

"You're such a dumbass you're so stupid! Who do you think you are? Telling me to change the rhythm of my song?" The guy scoffed, and I imagine a look of 'disbelief' on his ugly ass face. Oh I knew exactly who it was, but even thinking his name is a sin. 

"I get the credit!" She snapped back, that's my baby girl!


I heard my girlfriend whimper in pain "STOP IT YOU DICK-" she screeched "what did you just call me?" He he questioned. It sounded like his teeth were gritted tightly. Then I heard what sounded like my girlfriend's body being slammed against the door, I flinched at the noise since I had my ear pressed to the door. From the sound of it and the shadows I can see though the barley transparent red studio door he threw her onto the floor like she was a piece of garbage he found in your pocket. "You're a little slut." He chuckled bitterly. I bursted through the door "Okay first of all, what made you think you have the right to call my girlfriend a slut, and second of all nobody slut-shames my girl and treats her like a piece of gum on the bottom of your fucking shoe. Got it, Dick?" I stated rather calmly considering all the anger inside me, saying the last sentence through gritted teeth. He simply smirked taking his attention away from Ava, whom was laying on the floor all bruised up and crying and turned it to me. He pushed me against the wall by my shoulder but my serious expression stayed on my face. He the tall man brought up his fist and tried to punch my face but I quickly caught his fist in my hand like it was nothing. I don't know what happened but the fact that man was still breathing pissed me off and I snapped flipping him over by his fist that remained in my hand and he feel to the ground 

And with that,  immediately started beating the shit out of that motherfucker. I looked at my girlfriend once I knew he was knocked out for sure, a terrified look in her watery brown eyes  eyes and tears running down her slightly bruised face and neck. I made sure Mr. "it's my song" was knocked out and ran to my scared-to-death girlfriend and pulled her into my embrace kissing her constantly and showing her as much love as I could at the moment. I saw the guy lift his head slightly and I threw I mic at him to knock him out again. "Down and stay down" Ava started to cry into my shoulder and my heart shattered "it's okay baby I'm here, I'm here now" I said in an attempt to comfort her. "I- c- can w- we -g g- go h- home" she stuttered shakily "okay bub" I picked her up bridal style and took her home making sure no one saw her like this, since I know it makes her feel weak (even though she'll always be the strongest woman I know) I need her to feel like the beautiful queen that she is and luckily for my girlfriend her girlfriend is also a producer, yes I produce music and have an at home studio in the attic that I set up for Ava during quarantine and we made a couple unreleased songs together. Meaning I can work on song with her instead until she's slightly healed from the traumatic moment she had just experienced. My baby was hurt and I couldn't help but think I should've intervened before he hurt her, anyone could've saw it coming I did, and I waited for it to happen....... I don't deserve her.

[Giannelle] (but not as you usually see her..... as a narrator aka what she's supposed to be doing 😱) and that left Ava and Y/n in a dark place; with Y/n and her constant self doubts plus Ava healing from her trauma. Where will this go for them? Will it lead to a break up? Or will it build up their bond? 

— To be continued.....

Ava Max  (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now