Chapter 10

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A/N: So with the previously stuff. I won't do that all the time. I think it might be easier. So just try to remember everything that happened in the last chapter. I will include a few sentences from the last chapter though. Okay enjoy!❤😃😁

Oh my gosh! I could be the holder of the nature magic! I got up and ran out with the book. "Hey where are you going?" Ocean called after me. I can't let him know about this! I ignored him and kept running. I was almost to the forest and was about to go in until I got blocked by Ocean! Uh Oh! What do I do now?

I chose to give it up. He might as well know. I mean he is a human that came here so he could hold a type of magic too. "Fine I give up! Read this." I give him the book. He eyes it suspiciously, but opens it. He reads the full story I read. "That's it?" He asks me. I take the book and flip to the last page. "Okay now read this."

He reads that page his eyes getting wider as he read closer to the end. Then he died laughing!? "What's so funny?" I ask him. "I'm sorry its just why would you hide that from me?" He asked me. "Fine I just think that I might have the nature magic power."
He looked at me and died laughing again! After he finished he looked at me again. "What makes you think you have magic?"

"Well I've been seeing light green and purple sparkles following me around everywhere." I told him. "So that could've just ment you got into a bunch of glitter and didn't come off you yet." He argued. "How could that happen?" I asked him. "Have you seen where we are." He gestured around to everything. Trolls were running around with glitter all over the place. Some were even jumping into a glitter pool! I groan. "Fair point."

"I'll show you that I do have magic!" I told him. "I'll meet you at your house in 3-4 hours." I ran off to the Secret Meadow. "I'll be waiting!" He called after me. Great! Now what am I suppose to do?! I continue walking until I go to the vines. I pushed them apart and climbed over the rocks to get back. The squirrels were still running up and down the trees. The doe and fawn were still grazing, but got closer to each other when they saw me. The song sparrow chicks were up and out of the nest as their mom continued teaching them how to fly better. I got a little closer to them to see if I could understand them. All I heard were a bunch of chirps and tweets. I sat back down depressed. What am I going to tell Ocean now?

"Excuse me?" A small soft voice said. I look around, but didn't see anything. "Down here." The voice said. I look down and see the song sparrow that I had helped fly a few days ago. Okay I KNOW it did not just talk to me. "It just occured to me that I never thanked you for helping me fly." The song sparrow chick said. "Okay so you talk?!" I ask it. The song sparrow chick nodded. "Yeah you didn't hear me before?"

"Sorry, but no." I told it. "What's your name?" The bird asked me. "Esmerald."
I told it. "Cool! My name's Sunshine, but everyone calls me Sunny."

"That's a nice name Sunny." I tell her. "Thanks! Over there are my brother and sister." She gestured over to her the other two birds. My brother's name is Shadow and my sister's name is Misty." She gestured over to the other two song sparrow chicks. "Wait a minute! If Sunny and me can understand each other that means......Oh my gosh! Maybe I do have the nature powers! Wait the book also said that in rare cases the trolls with nature powers can heal nature.
"Hey Sunny is any plant or animal here injured or dying?"

Sunny nods. "Yeah Mama says our tree might be dying because of the dead leaves falling and the bark chipping off easily." I walk over to the tree and get on my knees. I'm not entirely sure how to activate the healing magic. I put my hand on the bottom of the tree and start thinking healing thoughts. I feel a tingling sensation in my hands. I look up and see the tree growing everything turning new. The vines were greener, the bark didn't chip easily, beautiful green leaves started growing. Some of the magic spreaded over to the grass and turned it light green, but left some yellow and tan for the fawn and doe to hide from danger. Some spreaded to the squirrels tree and turned the leaves green. The flowers looked brighter. Wow! Did I do that?

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