Chapter 17

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I felt tears brimming my eyes. I turned to him. "I even missed you, but if that doesn't matter to you then that's fine with me." I started rolling past him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go scheme a plan to free our friends." I started rolling the wagon as fast as I could away from him and Phoenix. As I rolled by Phoenix, I noticed him sitting on the ground eating a bag of popcorn. Where did he even get that?! I didn't stop to ask and kept rolling past him. I rolled past the Heart Tree, past a bunch of small animals, and past the stone entrance. When I got tired I stopped, undid the wagon, sat criss-crossed on the ground and began crying.

I cried because of the fight I just had with Ocean. I cried because of the fact that I missed home. I cried because I missed my friends. Once I finished calming down I hid in my hair for a while. I wonder if everyone trapped by Creek is doing better than we are.

*With Creek, His Father, and The Zombiefied Trolls*

Every Troll who had been Zombiefied reported to Creek and his father to see what their next mission would be. They all stood around Creek's throne. "Okay everyone," he started. "I've gathered you all here to tell you my master plan to take over the Troll world." He pulled down a map. "The first step is to turn everyone into rock zombies, except we can't do that because the guitar broke." He gestured to the broken guitar. "I have two missions for all of you instead. I'll divide you into groups of two and possibly more if we don't have enough."

He looked at his layout. "The first pair will be Barb and Riff. I want you two to follow Poppy and Branch. Find out what their plan to defeat us is." Barb and Riff nodded and started off. Creek continued looking at his layout. "The next pair will be GD and DJ. Your job is to find Emerald and the other doves. Find out what their up to. Chances are their planing something to get rid of me and my father. Find out what it is and report back to me." Guy and DJ nodded and started running. Creek looked at his layout once more. "Looks like we're out of trolls. Bring in the doves."

Trollex came in with all the doves behind him. "Let's see. 1,2,3,4,5....." Creek started counting all the doves. "Oh well I only have one job left anyway. All of you will just work together on this last mission. The last mission is for all of you to to split into two groups. One group will go look for the two trolls that have purple hair and rainbow streaks. The other group needs to go look for that gray troll with the nature magic and the light blue troll with that turtle shirt on." Trollex and the doves nodded and ran off.

*With Poppy and Branch*

Their still blowing off. They past the Heart Tree and the stone entrances. "How do we stop?!" Poppy shouted. "Hold on!" Branch told her. He hugged her close, lassoed a tree with his hair, and they both got pulled into the tree. Crack! Both of them fell out of the tree and crashed on the ground. Before they crashed Branch used his hair to cushion them.

They both got up, looked at each other, and started talking at once. "Are you okay? Yes! Are you?" They laughed and hugged each other. They shared a quick kiss then looked around. "Where are we?" Poppy wondered. Branch pulled a map out of his hair. "Looks like Creepo blew us pretty far. The Heart Tree is 100 miles that way!" He pointed North. They both held hands and started walking.

After a while of walking, they both heard a noise coming from a bush. Branch stood in front of Poppy and they both stared at the bush. They heard flapping and after looking closer saw Iris?! She flew out in front of them.

Poppy ran over and hugged her. When they stopped Iris turned over them both and started talking urgently. "I'm so glad I found you! Come on we have to get back to the Heart Tree quickly!" Both of them looked at her. "That's where we're going. It's only 100 miles North." Branch explained.

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