Chapter 8

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*Previously on Trolls 3: A Human's Way to Happiness and Home*

"So what made you happy before?" Poppy asked. I thought for a minute. "My school, my family and friends, and when my family and friends are happy." Everyone looked at each other. "Anything else?" she asked. I thought again. "Broppy, Trolls, singing, reading, and being with animals."

"Okay since reading makes you happy, you can go find somewhere quiet to read." Poppy gave me a walkie talkie and everyone parted ways. I started walking in the forest until I came across a beautiful meadow. I sat in front of a tree with long vines in front of it. Chirp, chirp, tweet. I heard a sound. I looked up and saw a song sparrow nest with three chicks. Two were trying to fly, but one seemed shy. I sat back down, but I didn't stop helping it. I started sing 'Fight Song' by Rachel Plattern.

The mom song sparrow came back and gave each chick an insect to eat. Two chicks were already hovering, but the shy one was still fluttering. Once I got close to the end, the song sparrow chick was flying with its mom and siblings. The family flew around me and started chirping as if they were thinking me.

By the time I finished the birds got back in their nest and started going to sleep. I looked around and noticed how dark it was. I tried radioing Poppy, but all I heard was either static or snoring. I tried radioing Ocean, but all I heard was loud music. So, I used my hair to shelter me and form a couch and went to sleep- unaware of the sparkles floating around me.

*Present Time*

The sunlight came through my hair and woke me up. I undid my hair and chose to check on the song sparrow family. I stretched a little and then went over to them. The song sparrow chick that I helped yesterday was already up, practicing his flying. Soon its siblings started waking up chirping for the mom to wake up and feed them. She woke up and flew off to find food. I looked around the meadow, which was now buzzing with morning excitement. The squirrels were waking up and scurrying up and down the trees eating some acorns and fruit. The fawn woke up the doe and the two of them started grazing. The fawn got full and started exploring.

I looked around and saw the flowers opening up in the sun's morning glow. This place must be one of few places untouched by the trolls here. I need to make sure it stays that way. This will be a secret meadow so the animals can stay safe. Knowing that everyone would be looking for me I left, but not before hiding this place. I found some rocks and vines and moved them into place to block the entrance, then I left trying to find my way to the buildings.

Once I got to the buildings I pulled out my walkie talkie and tried radioing Poppy. I heard static for a second and the someone picked up. "Esmerald is this you?" Poppy asked. She sounded worried. "Yeah." I told her. I heard her talking to someone in the background. "Where were you?!" She asked. "After we let you go find a spot to read, we all left, but then we didn't here you radio us for a while and we got worried. I called a search party and we searched for you everywhere in the forest, but once it got dark we had to stop." She explained.

"Where are you now?!" She asked me. "By the buildings." I told her. "Okay stay there we're on our way." She said. "Do me a favor and radio Ocean." She told me and got off the walkie. I tried radioing Ocean again and still heard nothing, but music. I gave it a minute and heard him tell River to turn down the music. Then he answered. "Yeah, who is this?"

"Esmerald." I told him. "Where were you?" He asked. "The trolls were searching all night!"

"Dude chill!" I told him. "After we parted ways, I found a quiet spot to read, but instead started singing and lost track of time. By the time I finished it was night and when I tried radioing Poppy all I heard was either static or snoring."

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