Chapter 14

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A/N: Idk about the title okay?

We all said good night and Journey and Iris went to sleep. I stayed awake and started thinking about all the bad things that could happen to us. What if Creek and his father found Poppy's mother first?! What would happen if they found out I had the nature magic?! What would they do to me? I decided I couldn't sleep, so I got out of the tent. I turned my hair on and started walking through the camp site. Snap. I look around startled. Was that Creek? I got into my fighting position and started looking as brave as I could. The bushes near the camp site started rustling. I walked over to them slowly, my heart pounding like crazy. I carefully started pulling the branches and twigs apart, leaves falling as I did.

When I pulled them apart enough they revealed.... Ocean?! He started acting surprised after I caught him. "Ummmm.... Hi!" I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "What are you doing up?" He started climbing out of the bush. "I'll answer that only if you tell me what your doing up." He said. "Fine! I may or may not......" I trailed off. "You know what? I'm suddenly feeling very tired." I fake yawn and start walking to the tent. I started walking to my tent until I felt a breeze of wind. I turn to look around and when I turn to continue walking Ocean was blocking my way! "How did you-"

He interrupted."I may or may not have gotten into Branch's coffee too. That was why I was up." I tried to walk away from him to my tent, but he stood his ground. "I sighed and stopped trying. "Fine! I'm....... Sleeping in my hair tent!" I immediately cover myself with my hair. "Phew! Now I can finally get some silence!" I turn around and used my hair to make a bed. I turn back around to make sure he didn't follow me in here. Thankfully he didn't. I turned back around and he was standing behind me! "How are you everywhere?!"

"To be honest your not really that fast. That and you know troll hair is not that hard to walk through." He answered. I got on the bed I made and sighed. "You win. The truth is..... I'm......... Scared." The annoyed look on his face quickly transformed into a sympathetic look. He walked over to me and sat on the ground. "Why are you scared?"

I pulled my knees up to my chest. "Because.... I mean what if Creek finds out about my magic and tries to capture me and take it away? Then what happens? What will he do to everyone else?" He looked slightly confused. "Then we'll all fight back until we win! Besides what happen to the person I saw at school? I've heard you say that you would want to push Creek off a cliff!" Immediately I looked confused. "Do you spy on me?!"

"NO! I just happen to be near you at those times!" I looked at him skeptical, but to save an argument I didn't say anything. Instead I undid the hair tent, exposing us both to the cold air. I still kept the hair bed up and continued sitting on it. Ocean stood up off the ground, walked over to me, and hugged me. "Trust me! I've been here a little bit over a year and though I just now am finding out about this Creek guy, something tells me he isn't that smart."

I thought back to all the times Creek tried to do anything to Poppy, Branch, and The Snackpack. Everytime Poppy, Branch, and The Snackpack always won, so Ocean did have a point. We have to win! And I know just how we will, but I'm going to save my plan for when we actually need it. I hug Ocean back, then we stand up, and walk back to our tents. I turned to Ocean. "Thanks." He nods, smiles and we both walk back into our tents. I crawled into my sleeping bag and was actually able to fall asleep.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up to the smell of fresh bacon and scramble eggs. I looked around in my tent and noticed Iris and Journey weren't there. They must've woken up before me. I crawled out of the tent to a horrific sight. The first thing I see is the campfire destroyed. I walk over and see the bacon I had smelt when I woke up. It was still fresh, so whatever happened didn't happen that long ago. I look at a the tents. They were all destroyed. They turned brown and toppled over on different sides. The tent I shared with Journey and Iris even looked like that. I took a breath of the air. It smelt of smoke and burnt wood.

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