Chapter Six-

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Hey guys! Just in case you forgot about him. Lane is Theo's cousin and Kayla's twin brother.
(Feedback please!)
Theo's point of view-

             "Here you go." Nikki said before tossing down a heavy duffle bag onto my lap.

             She did it? How the heck did she do it? Maybe she's a lot tougher than she looks.

             I stand up and shake her hand. "Alright so you managed to do it, I guess you can handle it. Lane said that Kayla also passed her test."

            I watch her try and hide her girly grin. "See, I knew that we could do it."

             I hold my hands up in a surrender sign. "Alright, your right you are a lot tougher than we thought." She gave me a huge smile.

             "Now let's get ice cream to celebrate!" She exclaimed and yanked my hand to bring me to my car.

            We get into the car and I start driving to the nearest ice cream shop. We pull up and she is in a hurry to get out of the car. "Do they have cookie dough?" She asks that like we are a country on the moon.

            I roll my eyes. "Yes,we have cookie dough."

             We get our ice cream and sit down. "So tell me something." She demanded.

             "Like what?"

              "Anything. How about this, I tell you something no one knows about me and you tell me something that no one knows about you." I just nod my head. "I don't really remember my dad, I pretend like I do, but honestly all I know is what people have told me and pictures." She said with a scared look.

Nikki's P.O.V.-

              "Really? Wow that's surprising. Okay well my secret is that last night when my sisters friends were over, I called you in my room because-" he got cut off by his phone. "Hello. Yes sir. Yes. No. She's right here. Got it." He gave me a scary look when hung up the phone.

            "What's wrong?" I ask and he just grabs my hand pulling me to the car.

            "They're moving the date closer." He spend off out of the parking lot.


               We jerk to a stop after driving as fast as Theo could. "What date?" I shouted at him. "What is going on?"

                He got out and grabbed my hand. "Nikki, they are changing the date, everything is going to be sooner rather than later." He swore.

            I had to run to keep up with his fast strides. "Again, I have no idea what you are talking about. What is going on?" He stopped in front of the large door, uncle Joey's office. He pulled me inside to find Uncle Joey, Marianna, and the man from earlier along with my bodyguard, Tom.

            "What is the meaning of this?" Theo shouted. "We were supposed to wait until she was 18, we still had a year!"

             Marianna came over and gave me a hug. "They are coming for her sooner than expected, they figured out how and are now using it against us." She rubbed her hand on my back. "Nikki, your mother is on her way and should be here by morning. Then she can help us plan!"

              "Plan what? What is coming sooner, who is coming, and what is going on?" I shout and everyone stares. "I need answers, Theo isn't telling me anyting but I assume that it's about me or else I wouldn't be here."

         "Theo would you do the honor?" Uncle Joey asked.

           "We are getting married in a month." He said and rubbed the back of his neck.

             Those were the last words I heard before I fainted.


         "Why did you have to say it like that? She will only ever be asked once it should have been special." A voice asked.

          "How else do you tell a seventeen year old that she's getting married? I wasn't going to get down on one knee for a girl that doesn't even care for me." A second voice answered.

            I opened one eye and immediately closed it because of the bright lights.

             "Jennifer, how am I going to do this? I can't run a mob but also be a married man to her. We're two different, she's flowers and happiness, I'm anger and death. I kill people for a living." Theo shouted so loud that my head hurt.

           I was able to open my eyes and I saw my mother and Theo sitting there. "Hey sweet girl, how are you feeling?" She placed her cold hand on my forehead. "You have a fever."

             "What happened? Why am I in bed?" I tried to sit up but couldn't manage it. Theo walked over and placed a pillow behind me.

            "There you go." He ran his hand through his hair. "So you fainted when I told you we are getting married."

           "Married? You and me? That's insane." He just gave me a flat look. "Married! I'm only seventeen, is that even legal?" He just nodded his head.

            Married, oh crap.

Hey guys, so what do you think? Kinda a filler but something huge happened! Crazy right, marriage, good luck Nikki.

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