Chapter Eight-

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Hey guys, so above or to the side is Theo's strange and overtalkative mother, Marianna, isn't she beautiful? pray that will look that good at fortyAlso please look at the people following me and check out the stories of some of my followers! They are  all really close to me so please check them out!!!
(Thanks a ton for my faithful readers who made it so "The Mobsters Daughter" got passed 500 views and everyday it continues to raise. I hope you like the story! And please tell your friends about it!!! And follow me, I will read your stories!)
Nikki's P.O.V.-

             "You know I could murder you and make it look like an accident." Lane threatened.

             "Yeah right, you would be to worried about Uncle Joey's temper." Kayla said with a smirk.

             I place my hands on the jump rope that we used to tie him to a chair. "So you are sure that's it?" I ask and he nods.

             "Yes, that's all I know and I will tell you when I find something out." He said so I untied it.

            He basically ran out of here. I turn to Kayla. "Where did you get the idea of the jump rope?" I asked.

            Kayla shrugged. "Once when we were kids some guy was circling the house so Uncle Joey tied him with a jump rope."

            I give her a strange look. "I'm glad I wasn't here for that." I say and she shrugs.

            "You mess with his family he messes with you back."

          "I need to get back to the house to speak with Uncle Joey." I say as we walk out of Kayla's house.

          "About the jump rope?" She asked confused.

           "No about my marriage."


           "Uncle Joey, I need answers!" I demand as I walk into his office but instead find Theo. "Your no Uncle Joey."

             He smirks. "True. What do you need?" He took a seat at the desk. "After all this will be my job pretty soon, I might as well get started."

           "I came to ask about our marriage that I wasn't informed of." I say with a hard tone.

             "It was for your protection!" He said just as rough. "It's not like I wanted it either!"

             "Well, why does it have to happen anyways? Why did they chose us? Why do we have to get married?" I shout at him. "Why do our lives have to end all because of a family job?"

          "Because then they know neither of us will leave them. They want us together so we can finally be one complete family." He ran a hand through his hair. "This is our job, it's what we are supposed to do."

          "What if its not what we want to do? I don't want to marry you! Half the time I done even want to be in the same room as you yet here I am."

            "Why must you make everything about you?" He asked.

              "This is allowed to be about me! Its my wedding just as much as it is yours!" I shouted as the door opened to Uncle Joey. "Uncle Joey, I can't marry him!" I exclaimed.

           "How do you know that? You haven't even tried to get to know one another." He gave us each a pointed look. "You have to find something you like about them or admire then work from there. Because friends then fall in love." Theo shot me a glare then left.

         "Why must he hate me?" I ask. "Why is it that he got to know and I didn't? How long has he known?"

         "Theo has known since he was young, he has always been taught that one day he will take over the business and marry you. That was the plan, you were to grow up and have a normal life while Theo learned the ropes." He explained taking a seat at his desk. "And he doesn't hate you, he simply isn't ready for your life together. Theo keeps people at a distance  always has, and I assume that he thought that if he could keep you away then there wouldn't have to be a wedding."

           "So all the glares and furious looks are because he wanted to keep us apart?" I twisted a piece of hair between my fingers a nervous habit I've had since I was young.

      "Think of it this way, a few nights ago he crawled into bed with you to keep you from crying and just yesterday stayed in bed with you when you were sick. Yet as soon as you could tell what was going on he would back away. He does this because he wants to get close to you, he's supposed to, yet he tells himself to back away because he knows that as soon as you fall for him as well the game is won."

         "What game?" I snap.

          "The game he's been playing in his mind. He has already lost but until you fall for him the game is still not over. Its like in a bored game where you are in last place, but  you don't really lose until the winner finishes the game."

         "So I am a game to lose?" I ask.

         He grins. "In a figure of speaking, yes."

Theo's P.O.V.-

    "She is the worst thing to happen to me, and its not like I can wish I never met her because we've known each other since the day she was born." I say as I continue to punch the punching bag.


          "Why are you freaking out so bad about this? You've known since you were young that you are to be married." Lane questioned.

         "That's the thing, I don't even know why I'm freaking out. I told myself that she wouldn't want to marry me yet she hasn't done a thing to stop it." I said and grabbed a water. "She needs to just tell them no, but she just has to be a good girl and go along with it."

        Lane laughs. "You think she's a good girl? Yesterday her and my sister had me tied to a freaking chair with a jump rope!" He exclaimed.

        I spit the water out laughing. "A chair? You are going to be my second in command yet my fiance, who I'm marrying because she can't protect herself,  can manage to tie you to a chair?"

         "They were mean, feisty and surprisingly strong." He said with a scared look.

        "Did you not know that Kayla has a gym membership?" I ask and he shakes his head.

        "I thought it was from all of her shopping." He said. "How did Nikki get so strong then?"

         I shake my head. "I don't know, ask her yourself." I hit the punching bag one last time before walking out to clear my head.
Hey guys! What do you think? Love or hate Theo?

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