Chapter Ten-

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Hey guys! Theo's car above, it is a BMW 2001 m3 convertible. Tell me what you think of this chapter!
Nikki's P.O.V.-

        "Can you make them stop staring?" I ask and hold tighter to Theo's hand.

         "I don't know, just pretend that they're not there." He answered and placed an arm around my shoulders.

       "Right because that's easy when they are all staring at me." I said looking around, a few had the decency to look away but most continued to stare.

          "Let's just go to class." Kayla snapped taking my hand. "Don't worry Theo, she's safe with me." Kayla said to Theo before pulling me away.

         "Why did you do that?" I ask once we are out of ear shot.

           She rolled her eyes at me. "My cousin was starting to get angry at all the looks. I was afraid he would say something to blow your guys cover." She explained. "Now let's walk to class." She hooked my arm to hers.


         "Is class that boring in America too or is it just an Italy thing?" Kayla asks when we walk to Theo's car. There is some girl on the hood speaking to Theo.

        "Hey, Theo can we go? Nikki and I want to go shopping." Kayla said loudly to interrupt them.

         The girl gave us a glare. "Can't you see that we're a little busy?"

          "Busy doing what? Trying to get with someone who is engaged?" Kayla asked in a bratty tone. "Because I'm pretty sure that won't work out for you."

           The girl gave Theo a shocked look. "Your engaged? How are you engaged? Your in high school for crying out loud!"

         "Yeah your right. He is in high school, but we are so much in love that we wanted to insure that nothing would come between us." I said and gave Theo a hug. "Right Theo?"

         "Of course my love." He gave my forehead a kiss.

         "Goodbye Carmela." Kayla called out as the girl hurried to get away.

          Theo quickly let go of me. "Do you have to ruin everything?" He asked in an angry voice.

        We quickly drove home, Marianna and mom meet us at the door. "Great your home, we need you both her to decide things for the wedding."

          "Fine." Theo said before walking off to the kitchen."

           "Why does he do that?" I ask. "He does something sweet and then acts like I'm a puppy he has to entertain." I hurried after him.

        "Why are you following me?" He snapped the lid back on the orange juice container after taking a sip from it. "I played the boyfriend part like I was supposed to so don't be mad at me if I'm not so willing to plan a wedding as well."

       "I don't care if you want to plan a wedding or not, I just want things to be normal so that the faking doesn't have to be so forced."

          "Things will never be normal between us, we are being forced into a marriage that neither of us want. You can't get any less normal!"

         "Maybe this will just have to be our normal! Your right, our situation will never be normal, but we just have to make the best of it." I tried to reason with him.

       "I don't want to make the best of it! We will never be happy together and honestly I don't want to be happy with the girl I've been engaged to since childhood. We are getting married in a month, then what happened? They all just expect us to live happily ever after?"

        "I understand that we won't be like fairy tales, but we have to make this work considering that the only way out is death." I said trying to reason with Theo.

         Theo started pacing around the kitchen before stopping suddenly. "You drive me crazy!" He exclaimed before hurrying out of the kitchen.

        I quickly shouted after him. "Good!"

Theo's P.O.V.-

         "Why do you do that?" Amelia asked coming into my room and shutting the door.

        "Do what?" I question even though I know what she's talking about.

         She wants to talk about Nikki.

          "I'm here to talk about Nikki. Why can't you be nice to her?"

           I run a hand through my hair. "Because if I'm nice to her then she will fall for me and that's when it will be harder to stay away from her."

       "You like her?" Amelia asked shocked. "Holy crap you like your fiancée!"

       I hurry and cover her mouth with my hand. "Be quite! Your not allowed to tell her! Okay?" She nodded her head up and down.

         I slowly removed my hand. "When are you going to tell her?" She whispered.

          I slowly shake my head. "Never."

Hey guys! I know its short but I hope you like it and please don't forget to vote!

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