Chapter Twenty Two-

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Hey guys! Chapter 22! So the photo above is the dress Nikki wears to her party, Theo describes it, but I suck at explaining so I gave a visual example.
I'm sorry that it took forever for this chapter. I have been at cheer leading practice all the time and never seem to have time to write.
Thank you for the votes, reads and support to my story! 8.16k views!!! I am so great full for the support, it makes me want to continue to write my story.
Theo's P.O.V.-

I slammed my hand down in frustration. I have been tracking the person who is leaving the notes for the last week. Yet there is still no leads.

Tonight Nikki and I have our bachelor parties. Tonight she will be out of my sight and could be killed.
Thankfully that will be over soon because tomorrow we will be married.

Nikki's P.O.V.-

Fear, it seems like that's my only emotion these days. I'm terrified of what could happen and how much it will hurt. It was easier to shove the threats and not think about them, but know that Theo knows everything is different.

I can't even walk into the backyard with a team of swat guys walking beside me.

And it is pissing me off.

"How's my favorite prisoner doing?" Kayla asked once she walking into my room. She has been the only person willing to go against Theo's wishes and let me out for the party tonight, her reasoning is that I might be engaged, but I'm not dead yet.

"Well considering I have nothing to do, but sit here waiting for death, pretty much sucks." I shrug. "All in the price of power, right?" I say it so sarcastically that even I flinch.

"I suppose so." She stayed silent for a minute before an almost evil look came into her eyes. "You know what? No more wallowing in self pity, we are going shopping!"

I hated to crush her spirit, but I knew I had to. "Theo won't even let me go into the backyard without a full blown swat teem, what makes you think he would be okay with going shopping."

She smirked. "All we need is Amelia."

Now I was confused. "Amelia? What can she do?"

"Well, Amelia and Aunt Marianna control Uncle Joey and Uncle Joey controls Theo." She explained like it was 2+2.

"Oh is that how marriage works?" I asked sarcastically not really expecting an answer, but she gave me one anyway.

"Oh course and pretty soon it will be you controlling Theo." She giggled. "Wouldn't that be awesome, you would be controlling a criminal."

I shake my head at her, kinda scared of the things she was saying. "That sounds like the plot from a bunch of bad horror movies." I say sarcastically. "Wouldn't that be fun, I could demand a killer to do things for me."

Theo walked in with a confused look on his face. "What killer are you planning on using?"

I grin, I decided to use this against him. "Why? Do you want me to use you?" I ask, trying to sound sexy.

He smirks and it makes my heart stop. "Depends what you would be using me for." He said and placed his hands on my hips. "Because sometimes I wouldn't mind being used by you." He dropped his head to my neck and placed a soft kiss where my shoulder meets my neck.

I could feel my cheeks heating up and going red, then I reminded myself what the goal was.

I wanted him to be shy and flustered, I wanted him to be the one second guessing everything he does. In short, I guess I wanted him to want me like I wanted him.

So I said to him in a seductive tone. "Only sometime" I hoped that it would work. Sadly for me, Theo has never been one to show real human emotions. He immediately stood up and crossed his arms, a sure sign that he was frustrated.

He looked down at my dress. "You need to stop acting like a child. Also go change your dress, that's not appropriate for a mobster's wife." He said it like it was my fault we are in this situation.

I was pissed at him to say the least. I smoothed out my dress and made sure to hit his shoulder on my way out. "Well it's a good thing I'm not one yet." I shouted it over my shoulder.

Theo's P.O.V.-

I was shocked. She had never acted so seductive before, I had never been more drawn to her. I just hope she doesn't know it.


"Theo it's time to go." Nikki said, she walked into my room with a black dress covered by lace with a large strap.

She didn't change like I had asked her too. "Why didn't you change?"

"You don't own me, I don't know why you think you do." She responded. I could see the anger in her eyes, she was mad at me, yet I wanted to make her madder.

"Sweetheart, in a week we will be married. I will own you." I said with a smirk.

"I want to see you try." Her response shocked me, she had never spoke with such firey confidence. Gone with the shy girl that used to cower in fear whenever I was around to the girl standing in front of me, strong, brave and amazing.

And I never wanted to let her go.

"Fine, but just so you know once we say I do you are legally my wife." I didn't actually know where I was going with this, but now that I had started talking I couldn't stop. "Once you're my wife my job will be to protect you and if you are frolicking around acting like no one owns you. Because if you get hurt or worse killed I will be the one to pay for it."

I watched her get a scared and sad look in her eyes. "Why do you do this?" She screamed. "It's always two steps forward and one step back, I am so sick of it!"

I ran a hand through my hair. "Nikki-"

I was interrupted by the door opening and Kayla putting her head through the crack. "If you guys are done arguing than can we please go party?"

Nikki wiped away a tear and followed Kayla out the door.
Hey guys! So new chapter here! Read it, like it, and/or comment. I would love it if you would tell me if you like it or even if you hate it. W

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