Epilogue -

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Hey guys so I know you are currently freaking out, but I have a reason for ending the story this way. There will be a second which is going to be called The Mobster's Wife and it will still be about Theo and Nikki. Thank you so much for your endless support and love for both Theo and Nikki.

I am going to immediately start writing the Mobster's Wife, but won't start publishing until September.
Theo's p.o.v.-

"What?" I screamed down at the screen in my hand. I repeatedly pressed on the screen and the home button praying that her image would return. "Nikki!"

"Theo?" A voice said softly as I slammed the tablet onto the floor when it didn't do as I wished it would. "Theo, you need to pull yourself together."

I looked up to find everyone staring back at me. "How can I simply pull myself together when my wife has been taken from me to God knows where and is bleeding to death." I snarled.

"Boss, you won't be able to find her if all you are doing is shattering ipads and sitting in a pile on the floor." Alfonso told me as he helped me stand. "Go to your house and speak to your family, get your dad's guidance and then come back. You will be more focused and determined once you get a break."

You are not allowed to break down in front of them

"You're right. I need to go speak to our families then review the problem after getting a cup of coffee and some food." I said taking a deep breath.

In through the nose and out through the mouth.

Something in the air stopped me from walking any further. "Alfonso?"

"Yes, Boss?"

I had a gun under his chin and my finger on the trigger before my mind had any time to register what I was doing.

"Why do you smell like her?" I shouted.

"You really do need to go home sir. I don't smell like Nikki." Alfonso told me as he eyed the gun. "Now put that away before you get someone hurt."

"Every night before bed she would put on a vanilla lotion and every morning she showered with a shampoo that smelt of fresh made carmels." I paused to rethink his words. "I never said Nikki was the her in which I was referring."

"Again, Theo, I don't smell a woman let alone your beautiful bride."

"What did you do with my wife?" I asked as tears fell down my face.

I knew that the men around us were probably shocked at my accusations and that I was crying, I don't think they have ever even seen fear from me before let alone sobbing.

"I took her and hid her in a place you will never find her." Alfonso laughed. "I am your only way of finding her, that is if my men haven't already killed her." A gun shot rang through the room as Alfonso's fell to the ground.

His screams shook the walls as he held his leg tightly.

"Theo, don't tell me you were about to believe his bull-"

"Theo! We found something!" One of the men shouted out loudly. My father's face showed disappoint that his heroic shot wasn't acknowledged.

I stepped over Alfonso and raced to the computer control room. "What did you find?"

"Well we noticed in their video that there was many signs of destination. There was the sounds of a water fall in the first three minutes and later of gun fire. Yes, that could be his men practicing their gun skills and leaving a faucet on. But using a program that I, yes, I made I was able to use the sounds to know how far away the water and gun shots was coming from and in which direction. I then found all the gun ranges located near forests and lakes." The nerdy man starting making a drum roll on his desk. "Your bride is located here."

The screen lit up the room as it showed a small cottage with a huge barn. "You are positive this is where she is?"

"Yes sir, the home was originally built by Thomas Cortez in '75, him and his late wife lived their until she died from breast cancer. Cortez sold the house and surrounding land to the camp grounds that was located beside it. Now campers can also rent the cabin."

"Do you have a point with this?" I snapped.

He nodded quickly than messed with his glasses. "Yes, Sir"

"Let's go then!"

Nikki's p.o.v -

"Pick her up. We have to move her before she wakes up." A man's voice said loudly as strong, hairy arms picked me up.

"Where is boss? Isn't he supposed to be making these decisions?"

"Alfonso said that if he wasn't back in an hour than to continue on without him."

A hard knock to my head and everything went blank.

Hours later the sound of slamming car doors woke me up. The salty sea are rushed through my nostrils reminding me of my honeymoon.

"This place will buy us a few weeks before we have to leave again. Lock the princess in the master bedroom."

Suddenly as the door was shut and locked I realized the chance I would ever be able to see Theo again might be gone.

I hurried to the corner, cringing as the vomit burned the back of my throat.

"Breath," I whispered to myself. "Just breath."
Can I just start with saying thank you for reading? Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!!!!! You guys are amazing!!!!!

The Mobster's Wife will be out soon. (In the comments tell me your favorite part of the story!!!)


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