A second time

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"Same place as last time, after practice. See you then"

Smiling, they typed in a reply.

"See you,"


"Good job guys! You did well!!"

(y/n) started helping Kiyoko and Yachi giving the team towels and water bottles. (y/n) was handing it faster than normally she would but this went unnoticed or no one bothered to question it. After practice (y/n) was heading out the door.

"(y/n)! Where are you going?" Asked Nishinoya.

"Uh, well, I'm here to meet someone I knew back then. I wanted to catch up with them,"

(y/n) hated that they had put some lies in that sentence. Technically, they would meet someone they knew but that wasn't the main reason. Well, the thing is, (y/n) wasn't a good liar. They would avoid eye contact or start fidgeting when they would lie. 

Nishinoya wanted to question it but he knew there may be a reason why you're hiding something. Well, he also got the gist when he saw coach Ukai behind you. 

"Ukai-nii, can I meet someone?"


"EHHH?? Ukai-niii, it's just the owner of that cat cafe."

"Then I'll head out with you,"

"Ukai-nii! Never am I going back there with you!"

Ukai wouldn't change his mind. (y/n) was there, whining and the other teams could see this. 

"I don't trust you going out by yourself,"

"Well, if that's the problem, we'll be going with her." Someone butted in.

Ukai looked at him, up and down. 

"That would be worse."

"Kuroo, stop it. Uhm... I'm sorry if I asked her to come with me...I knew (y/n) when they were here and...I wanted to hang out with them...I'll watch over her..."

Kenma said, switching his glances side to side a little because he was nervous. He didn't really like talking but someone wanted to hang out with you.

Short flashback with Nekoma

"Yaku-san, what are you looking at?"

"He's looking at (y/n) again."


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"Learn to shut up then."

Because of the impact of that hit, some people were looking at them, including (y/n). Yaku made eye contact with them and (y/n) smiled, waved, and turned back to discuss something with the team. He smiled and a small blush could be seen on his face.

Kuroo went up behind him. "Kenma knows (y/n) well,"


"Kenma! C'mere,"

"what is it now, Kuroo...?"

"Could you ask (y/n) to hang out with us?"

Yaku shot glares at Kuroo as if they were daggers. Kuroo of course didn't mind that. Well, in the end, Kuroo was able to persuade Kenma to do it.

end of flashback

So here we were. Kenma asking Coach Ukai for his permission. 

"fine fine,  I trust you not to do anything weird to pan-chan."

He emphasized the 'weird' and looked at Kuroo.

"I would be the least of your worries, sir," Kuroo said with confidence.

Ukai was about to change his decision but (y/n) already ran away, holding Kenma's hand to get away from there.


Nekoma's team and (y/n) were in a cafe. There wasn't anyone else there since people were either still at work or at clubs at this time. Of course, there were some other people there so they decided to ask if they could use the back part of the cafe since there were not enough chairs for them in the main room.

After placing the orders, the team started to question (y/n). From their favorite food to their favorite color to their favorite band. They thought that Yaku would have been shy if it were just the two of them, plus they could get more information like this. 

When their food arrived, they gave thanks and started to eat. Since (y/n) and Kenma were sitting next to each other, they continued to talk. Kenma occasionally bringing Yaku into the conversation. 

~timeskip because I'm not creative~

"Ah, we should go now. Karasuno's couch would be mad if (y/n) returns late." Kuroo said. The others nodded and gathered their things. They thanked the cashier and some of the other staff as they went out. The others were the first to go, leaving Kenma, Kuroo, Yaku, and (y/n) alone.

"I have to drop Kenma home since he gets lost a lot, Yaku why don't you drop (y/n) off."

Kenma continued to play his games and Yaku blushed.

"I can get back by myself!"

Kuroo and (y/n) started bickering and each other, Yaku secretly hoping Kuroo would win. Kenma eventually got fed up since he was getting tired. He looked up from his console and looked at (y/n).

"I'll get you ice cream tomorrow if you agree"

(y/n) quickly nodded and said goodbye to Kuroo and Kenma. Instead of Yaku being the one to guide them back home, they were the ones who practically dragged him back to where the team stayed. When (y/n) realized what they were doing, they said sorry and slowed down.

"So, how have you been since...your grandmother?"


"You don't have to answer, no pressure!"

"Ah, don't worry. It's nice to let it out sometimes."

(y/n) told Yaku about things they thought of


"well, uh, here you are."


"Uh, have a good night then!"


They both stared at each other. Yaku was starting to feel awkward and then suddenly (y/n) hugged him.



"Thank you, strawberry-kun"

𝕋𝕠 𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕠 (Yaku x Noya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now