Sparks of Thunder

764 30 2

(Y/N p.o.v.)

Finally, practices were over. It felt like we all were just getting prepared to do another round of punishments. I helped Kiyoko give the other members their towels and water bottles. 

"Noya-sann, here."

"Thanks, (y/n)"

I started humming before I took a sip from my water bottle. As usual, they were practicing again. They wanted to get better and I'm surprised at how big Nekoma is. I was looking around to just explore when I suddenly bumped into someone and fell. 

However, someone caught my hand before I hit the floor. 

"Ah, (y/n), are you okay?"

"Ah, yeah, thanks for catching me," I said as I stood up.

"Ah...It was my fault anyway,"

I looked up at who caught me, it was Noya. I smiled and looked at our hands that were still holding each other. I looked at his eyes and back at our hands. He didn't get it till he was about to move. 

He started to blush like a tomato. He started to stutter an apology, of sorts. He looked so cute throwing his hands around trying to come up with an explanation.

"Aren't you going to practice?"

"ANDIDIDNTMEANTO- huh? oh, yeah"

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Well see..."


"I wanted to practice with you-IF YOU'D LET ME-"


I grabbed his hand and ran toward the gym. I saw Suga and Asahi stretching a little.

"Sugawara-san! Asahi-san!"

"Ah (y/n)"

"Mind if we practice a little?"

"Actually, I would love some help too."

I nodded my head and proceeded to stretch. 

"Sugawara-san, I'll spike and you can toss to me," I said.


He got the ball and held it.

"I want to practice my spikes,"



Sugawara scratched his neck a little, embarrassed at the compliment I gave.

"Then I guess I'll set and-"

"I'll set."

Oh god, how many surprises are going to happen. First, a setter wanting to spike, now a libero wanting to set. I looked at Asahi expecting him to say something like he suddenly wanted to become a Libero. 

"Uh...well I'll be practicing my serves, (l/n)-san"

I nodded my head. So I was on the other side of the court while the other three were together. We practiced and practiced but they didn't really get the hang of it. 

"(y/n), maybe you could help us?"

"eh? but I don't spike much often...."

"But (l/n)-san, you're pretty good at it, also if it isn't too much, could you help me with my serves too?"

"ME TOO ME TOO, help me with my sets (y/n)!" 

I got embarrassed. Did they really think I was that good to be able to help them there? I was going to tell Suga to ask someone like Hinata but I don't think he could explain well other than 'whoosh' and 'bam'. The same goes for Noya, Kageyama is a good setter but he isn't the most sociable.

𝕋𝕠 𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕠 (Yaku x Noya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now