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(y/n p.o.v.)

After practice, we headed back to clean up. Even if they still wanted to stay behind for some more practice, I didn't want them to stay up too late, plus it was still day 1. We then got dinner however I wanted to have a stroll. So I told them I have someone to meet and I'd have dinner out. I made sure Ukai would hear it from Daichi or someone else to escape his wrath.

Ahh..Tokyo, it's been a while. I remember just going here and taking walks, except I'd only do that at midnight since my schedules were pretty hectic. But it made no difference when it came to how many people there were. Day or night, you could always find a place where there would be people. 

It's kind of new for me to see the city this early so I enjoyed it. 

'it's cold.....I should get noodles......'

I headed to a store quite secluded from the people, it wasn't anything fancy just the place itself whispers "home". I looked at it, you could already see the inside, small chairs and tables. It really was meant for one-person meals. I walked in and noticed a certain brown-haired guy.

"Oi, Strawberry-kun," I spoke in a more quiet tone than I usually had.

He looked at me and waved, holding his chopsticks. I sat on the opposite chair of him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to eat out, have some me time"

"Oops-, well I'll just transfer then-"

"No no! You can stay, it's nice to have company too,"

I smiled and started ranting about how hectic the team was in such a short period. Hinata and Kageyama were yelling at each other and Daichi joined in scolding them. Tanaka was no help and Noya just cheered Hinata on. Tsukishima didn't even pay attention to them and ignored the chaos. As much as I love the first year and the power they have, I just wish they'd learn when to be chaotic.

He listened intently but our conversation was cut by the owner of the shop. 

"ah..who do we have here today? The usual I suppose, pan-chan?"

I nodded, embarrassed, she ended up calling me pan-chan because Ukai kept calling me that when he visited once. It ended up with almost every store we went to and the owners calling me pan-chan. 

She looked at Yaku and gave a surprised 'oh' then looked back at me, smiling. I didn't get it until she winked and left, I started blushing and Yaku was confused. I just told him it was nothing and he stopped eating, not because of that but because he wanted to wait until my food got there.

When it did, we offered our thanks (he did this twice now) and started eating. On cold nights in Tokyo, noodles for dinner is a must for me. Totally not because I was too lazy to cook when I was here. 

Just as I was about to be finished, the shop owner brought a piece of cake. 

"Uh....I don't think we ordered this...."

"It's on the house, pan-chan," she said and left with a wink. 

I blushed, again. It was a heart-shaped cake that was broken so two people could share it. I looked up at Yaku who was looking away, is that a blush I see?

"Hey uh, strawberry-kun, maybe you want the other half?"

He nodded his head and I took the half and gave the plate to him. He still didn't look at me but I wouldn't even be able to look at him in the eyes. He seemed to know enough that the cake was given to couples, I knew that since I've seen her give it to people who were on dates and she felt had chemistry. 

So we both ate our share of the slice, silently. I finished mine and was looking for a distraction when I felt his hand brush against my cheek. I looked at him and he was wiping my cheek with a tissue. For a moment, we locked eyes but we were both too shy to keep it that way.

But because of that, I ended up smearing some chocolate syrup on my shirt since I was panicking and ended up getting too close to the plate. It wasn't a huge one, but you could see it. 

~~~~timeskip totally not because I'm running out of ideas~~~~

"Thanks for taking me back,"

"No problem, I'll uh, text you?"


He left and I walked in. Let's say the whole team greeted me in the doorway, some of them are kneeling. Eavesdropping huh.....Usually, I would curse them but....I'll let it slide.

When I passed by them without even getting mad, they looked at me shocked as I walked upstairs smiling. 

𝕋𝕠 𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕠 (Yaku x Noya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now