It isn't always about being first,

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(2nd P.O.V.)

It was lunchtime and you were with Yaku, just passing the ball to each other. Occasionally, one of you would surprise the other with a spike. This was so you could practice your receives.  Ukai called you over, a grim expression on his face.


"Ukai-nii, what's up?"

He hesitated for a while before looking back at you.

"She's gone..."

"she? can't mean...."

He looked back down and you were on the verge of tears. 

"we need to go home, w-we need to, I n-need to see her..."

"pan-chan, we can't go there directly...."

"Ukai-nii! It's grandmother we're talking about!"

"Auntie took care of the stuff, the memorials this week-end," he said scratching the back of his neck.

You bit your lip, you wanted to go back home but you weren't prepared to see her. You nodded at Ukai as you both walked back near the gym, trying to pretend it's okay.


You saw Yaku coming out from the gym with an expression you found hard to read. He saw you and smiled. 

"Y'know, we have time to hang around right?"

"I know, you have a place in mind?"

Yaku glanced up to wonder where both of you could go to. An idea popped up in his mind, he threw the ball at you and you caught it with ease. 

"Follow," he said with a smile.

He was walking up to the hill, yes the hill where they run up and down as a punishment. You were glaring at his back and he could feel it. You sighed and continued to follow him, he went to the top and went to the other side of the hill. There was a tree that made a shade enough for a few people. 

He sat and gestured you to sit beside him. 

"People get too focused on the other side and forget this side existed,"

"Taking things for granted, then miss them when they're gone..."

You remembered about your grandmother, the way you thought that you could still see her for many years but seeing her on a hospital bed. You didn't realize that a tear dropped from your eye. 

Yaku hugged you, it was silent but comforting. You broke down in front of him, the regrets you've been carrying. You wanted to redo everything but you can't. He just listened at patted your back. You were starting to calm down a bit, he played with your hair. 

You stayed in his embrace, afraid of letting go of the warmth. He started to hum, assuring you that he's with you.

"I'm sorry" you muttered.

He gave a small chuckle and looked at you. 

"It's okay, let it out," he smiled smiling

"I'm just afraid of..people leaving......"

You placed your head on his chest and he placed his on top of your head.  He was lowkey panicking if he's doing this right but he was more focused on making sure you let it all out. 

"My grandma....she's, gone.." you gave a bitter smile and his heart just dropped. He didn't like seeing you sad. He was used to seeing you filled with energy (or rage) but now that you looked so drained and tired made him soft.

He instinctively pushed your head to his chest to comfort you. Both of you stayed like that, it was silent but you both could hear the message you wanted to give.

~~timeskip because I am very uncreative ^^''~~

Once you were able to calm down, both of you came back to the gym getting ready for the afternoon practice. Before you both parted, you hugged Yaku and thanked him for being there to listen. A blush appeared on his cheeks and hugged you back.

However, it isn't only the two of you who were there. A green aura surrounded him, (green=envy) and his eyes were in a rage. He looked at Yaku with this but looked at you and pain was the only thing that came to him. He could really feel the knife stab his heart.

As you went in, Yaku stood there, smiling. However, it didn't take him too long to notice the intense glare from a certain person. 

"What's wrong, Nishinoya?"

"You tell me,"

"I don't follow..." Yaku said with a little chuckle.

"You aren't the first, don't think you're special..."


Noya took this as a slight victory and stood his ground. However, Yaku just walked towards him, smiling. He patted his shoulder and walked past him.

"In love, it isn't about being first, but who's last,"

Noya looked down and clenched his fists. He didn't know if he was mad about what happened or about what he said. One thing is for sure though, he isn't losing without a fight. He is Karasuno's Guardian Deity. 


word count: 796 

sentences: 75

quick a/n: I feel like I've been leaning too much on Yaku (meaning I gave him more romantic scenes). Worry not, the next chapters will make it all up (hopefully). Other than that, I'll keep trying to publish as much as I can and I would love to hear suggestions/ideas. 

The story's already is halfway from being finished. I would like to mention that there are important details you might want to remember. 

I hope you're doing well and if you're not, I'm all ears. ^^

𝕋𝕠 𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕠 (Yaku x Noya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now