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The headmaster gave him an astonished look. "If it is not what it looks like, then what, precisely, is it, Professor Snape?" 

He wasn't quite sure how to inform the headmaster that his granddaughters were trying to throw themselves at him. Severus was fairly certain that wouldn't blow over very well. Putting on an irritated expression, he replied coldly, "We were trying to locate a lost supply of potion ingredients." 

Angel looked mildly impressed with his quick thinking. Kat just was trying not to laugh. They had to hand it to the professor, he was sharp minded.

To their approval, their grandfather seemed to believe the lie. "What was lost?" the headmaster.

No one had an answer to that one. For once, Severus' quick mind seemed to be at a total stand-still. Angel rolled her eyes and spoke up for him. "We were looking for some porcupine quills, Grandfather," she smirked, shooting a brief glance at the now weary Potion Master.

"Oh, I see. Well, by all means, carry on," Albus approved, walking away.

As soon as the headmaster had walked around the corner, Severus turned on to both girls. They looked rather pleased with themselves, while he seemed to be more irked than anything. "What do you think you're doing?" he hissed, narrowing his eyes.

"Saving your ass, Professor," Kat drawled sarcastically. "Unless... you'd rather get in trouble? We're more than willing-"

"Shut up!" he snarled. "Get out of here before I get the mind to put you both in detention. And, no, it will not be with me!" He appeared to be fairly angry, so the two girls figured it would be a good idea to let him calm down a bit before they started messing with his mind again. They were quiet, which made him want to take a few steps back lest they did something demented.

Finally, they said in unison, "See you later, Professor."

He raised an eyebrow. That didn't sound good.


Stalking. That was the plan for this evening. Hogsmeade was always the favorite Hogwarts' hangout for those from third year and above, and if Severus was going to be anywhere, it was going to be there. Or so Angel and Kat presumed. The Potion Master was a strange and mysterious man, but they had nothing else to go on. Thankfully, they were correct in their assumptions, otherwise they would've been bored for the rest of the day.

His cloak billowed behind him, but he wasn't the only one wearing black today. Both girls thought it would be better to blend in with the shadows.

To their great interest, he entered the Three Broomsticks.

"Well, well," Angel commented, looking amused. "It appears that our dear professor is developing a drinking problem. Tsk, tsk. This won't do at all. We should tell him not to drink on the job, or he'll be fired."

Kat shook her head. "Most people need a drinking problem after talking to us," she countered. "Maybe he's going to look for someone to hook up with. We must stop him!" They hurried forward toward's the slowly closing door. They just managed to squeeze through and then saw a huge crowd. The sisters gave each other disbelieving looks.

"He's good, but we're better," Angel growled, narrowing her eyes intently. "We've got this, girl. Let's hunt."

The girls moved slowly, but steadily through the throngs of witches and wizards. These people were very drunk. It was pathetic, but they weren't concerned about the people destroying their livers at the moment.

"There," Kat pointed at the bar. It was hard to identify the professor in the extremely dim light, but he was one of the tallest ones there. They moved forward, not bothering trying to be quiet. The noise of all the people was more than enough to drown out any noise they could make while walking. "What are you doing?"

Severus snapped his head around and immediately regretted doing so. The sight wasn't even remotely close to what he wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered harshly.

"We asked you first," Angel shot back. He stood up, crossing his arms in severe annoyance. They weren't supposed to be here. Especially when he was here on such a dangerous mission.

"I have a meeting," he hissed, not in any disposition to lie at the moment. "If Yaxley sees you're here, you will be killed. Believe it or not, another death is the last thing I need around here!" Both girls stared at him for a moment.

Then Kat asked, "So what's the first thing?" He gave her an uncomprehending look. "The first thing you need around here. Is it a hug?"

Angel found that suggestion to be quite a good one. "Let's hug, Sexy!" she declared.

Both girls did so enthusiastically. Or they did until a cold voice said, "Babysitting, Severus, or are these young things prostitutes?"

That earned him two dark glares as the sisters let go of the professor. Yaxley, however, was either too stupid to notice or too arrogant to care. He did care when Angel shoved her wand underneath his chin, digging into his neck. "What did you call us?" she asked with false warmth in her tone. Kat looked ready to follow her twin's lead, taking out her wand as well.

"What did I say?" the Death Eater asked, sincerely confused.

The girls gave him a disgusted look. "You're kidding, right?" Kat snapped. "You don't call anyone a prostitute. I suppose you learned your manners from your master?"

Yaxley's eyes narrowed. "These whores are smart," he drawled.

"AVIS!" Angel shouted, birds errupting from her wand. Yaxly shrieked in pain, the little blue birds pecking at every exposed inch of skin. Angel smirked coldly. He deserved it. Severus on the other hand, looked as if he were two seconds away from having a heart attack.

"What do you think you're doing?" he snarled. "Get out of here now!"

Kat glared at Severus. "That man insulted us and we're supposed to just stand there and take it?" she demanded. "I didn't see you trying to defend us. We lied for you. I'd like to see you return the favor. Coward."

Both girls stormed out of the bar, feeling quite irritated.

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