Fulfilling The Vow

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A/N: All rights belong to J.K. Rowling except for Kat and Angel. Because we're too awesome and epic to be owned by anyone but ourselves. ;)


He studied the distraught man before him, and while the older wizard was equally regretful over the night's events, there were more important things at hand than two -very nearly three- deaths. There would be plenty of time for remorse later. Right now, there were a couple of matters that needed to be attended to. Albus cleared his throat. "Severus, listen to me. I know that the loss of Lily was a great and terrible blow. But you must push your grief aside for the time being," he said firmly.

Severus was not in the mood nor the state of mind to listen to anything rational or sane at the moment. His entire torso shook with sorrowful sobs. His hands were curled into painful fists. Albus placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and Severus instantly stiffened upon contact.

"You said you would keep her safe," he spat disdainfully.

The older wizard sighed softly, but he didn't remove his hand. "The boy survives," Albus urged, trying still to console the man.

Severus' black eyes flashed with a unique mixture of pain and resentment. "He doesn't need protection, the Dark Lord is gone!" he shot back raggedly. The headmaster wished that those words were as true as the rest of the wizarding world believed, but alas, they were not.

"The Dark Lord will return! And when he does, the boy will be in terrible danger!" Albus spoke harshly, but then softened his tone when saying, "He has her eyes." The younger wizard stared at him in shock. Was it possible that a piece of Lily could live on? Severus had to cling on to that hope, no matter how foolish it was. Albus continued, "If you truly loved her..."

He pointed an accusatory finger at the headmaster. "No one can know," he snarled.

"That I should never reveal the best of you, Severus?" Albus sighed. "But that is not all I must ask of you, I'm afraid."

With each passing second, Severus seemed to become more like his usual, detached self. Some of his features once again become inscrutable. Even his voice had returned to it's cold, emotionless state. "What else could you possibly have me do, Albus?" he hissed menacingly, his voice low. "Am I to give you everything that I have? Do you want my very breath, as well?"

Albus' piercing blue eyes saddened. "That's not what I meant at all," he replied softly. "I want you to do me a favor, Severus. I cannot tell you what it is at the moment, but I need you to make the Unbreakable Vow with me."

Severus narrowed his eyes. "Is my word no longer enough?" he spat. "I risk my life for you every day, and now you don't trust me."

"Severus, that is enough," the headmaster ordered. "It is not a matter of how much I trust you. It is a private matter. If you do not wish to, I understand. I had hoped it would be you to do this, but there are others... Ones less hesitant to accept a challenge." Severus scowled irritably. He knew what Albus was doing.

Unfortunately, it was working. "Very well," he muttered reluctantly. "Forgive me if I err, but we require another person in attendance, do we not?" Albus inclined his head and serenely excused himself. A few moments later, he returned with a red-headed man. Severus recognized him as a worker at the Ministry of Magic -Weasley, if he recalled correctly. He nodded curtly at the man who nervously pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Shall we get started?" Albus asked gravely, extending his right hand. Severus grimly took it in his own right hand. "Arthur, if you would be so kind...?"

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