Joining His Ranks

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"Oh and you girl" Angel added to see Kat smile and then they ran towards their common room, their small feet pattering against the stone their faces still held the remnants of their visit to the hospital.

Angel's fiery locks hanging over her face she saw Kat push her dark locks back and sighed, they were really going to do this! They were going to join Voldemort and have his mark horrid and evil branded on their fair skin for life, that was given he accepted them.

"So um what do we need?" Kat muttered taking the stairs silently, the last thing the girls needed was to be caught now when they were so close. Opening the door Angle pulled her wand out and glanced around the room.

"Travel light. Underwear and change of clothes, tooth brush and stuff like that" Angel answered and pulled a over the shoulder bag out from under her bed.

Moving around the bedroom Kat folded her clothes neatly while Angel threw hers into the open bag and flung it over her shoulder showing that she was done and ready, grabbing a hair band off her side table.

She picked up her book and sighed to see Kat smile sadly as she too threw her bag over her shoulders and stood glancing around. "Come on Kat" Angel called and walked towards the door seeing her twin sigh and shake her head.

"I wish we could say good bye to grandfather" Kat muttered and Angel silently agreed but the fact of the matter was they were running away you can not say good bye to loved ones if you are running away.

"We will see him soon.. I hope" Angel commented muttering the last part silently, taking her sisters hand they walked as quietly as possible and found themselves at the front door in no time.

Angel to busy thinking how they would get close to the Dark Lord walked into it despite Kat trying to pull her to a stop, she would of stopped and said sorry to the door but they were in a hurry. She would say sorry next time it was rather rude to walk into the door and not say sorry. Pulling the door open as quickly and quietly as they could Angel rubbed her head and then both girls broke into a run until they reached the gates.

Pointing their wands at the large towing gate they began to break down the powerful charms protecting the school, knowing they had to do it fast or they would alert their grandfather who was probably all ready on the way. Seeing the final charm snap like and over stretched elastic band they smiled and turned taking one last look at the castle and then they fled into the night.

Angel tying her hair as she ran saw Kat was slowing down so followed until they got to a slow jog, her bag smacking against her hip she realised they had no idea where they could start. "Kat" she hissed pulling her to a rough stop, frowning Kat turned to face Angel. "What?" She growled and then saw why Angel had pulled them to a stop.

Her wand raising she saw her twin do the same and saw a tall figure walking towards them through the haziness of the impending fog, "Lumos" Kat muttered and saw a small light igniting from the tip of her wand, it steadily grew until it encased the two girls in it's soft glow and reviled just who was walking towards them, "I guess it is our lucky day" Angel whispered while Kat stood trying to keep her anger from her face.

"Hey look Kat it's this years best looking wizard" Angel smiled and saw the shock on her sisters face as she thought this did not go well last time. "Um well yeah" Kat muttered confused as to why Angel was acting so calm around him when she wanted to rip his head off.

"Play along" Angel whispered squeezing her hand gently. "Well if it isn't the Dumbledore twins. Tell me girls how is your father? I hope he finds himself well" Voldermort smiled darkly and to his confusion the red head grinned as did the brunette ever so slightly.

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