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"Make me immortal with a kiss."
— Christopher Marlowe   


"Did you hear?" Hermione's voice was dark as she plopped down in the train compartment. They had just started boarding and it seemed like she had found out something huge in the mere five minutes she's been aboard.

Rowan Greer flipped her dark hair off her shoulder and relaxed into the seat, crossing one leg over her knee and giving the other girl a lazy smile, "Don't tell me Ron and Harry got lost again."

It was as if they had appeared by magic as the pair stumbled their way through the doorway where Rowan was sitting with Hermione and Ginny. Ginny and her had practically run into one another with their carts when they were headed through to Kings Cross and then the two of them nearly collided with a gleeful Hermione when they arrived at  Platform 9¾ when trying to get onto the Hogwarts Express. 

"Not this time..." Ginny muttered, rolling her eyes at the two boys.

Ron had his sweater on backwards and Harry's hair was everywhere but straight. The pair looked like they had just been accosted in the train station, or rather, they had been the ones accosting someone else.

"You'll never guess what we saw-" Ron started as Harry began with a breathless, "Fucking you'll never believe it-"

"Spit it out you two!" Rowan laughed, waving her hand. She loved the two boys, but they had a habit of never getting to the point.

"Malfoy's a prefect!"

Her smile was gone from her face before anyone could've ever noticed, "Seriously? Malfoy? The git is going to just abuse his power and ruin our year-" she shook her head seriously as Hermione did the same. "You just know he's going to try and take as many points off as he can!"

"Fifty points Gryffindor!" Ron tried to mimic the other boy and she let out a hollow laugh. The two boys sat down with deep sighs and Hermione turned to face them as Ron added a quick, "But in good news, Mione and I are prefects so we can at least try and take points back when Malfoy starts being a dick."

"Don't you both have to go anyways?" Ginny laughed, rolling her eyes. "Special meeting?"

"Oh bloody hell," Ron groaned, standing and running a hair through his vibrant red hair. "First day on the job and we're already late."

"I should've known better than to wait for you," Hermione laughed as the pair left and headed down towards the special prefect's carriage so they can understand what exactly they'll be doing the rest of the year. 

Sure, Rowan was jealous. She had wanted to prefect and she was sure Harry wanted the same but they just didn't know how lucky they were to not have that type of responsibility. They needed fun. They needed to relax. Or rather, more time to prep. 

You-Know-Who was back. 

Rowan knew it. Hermione and Ron knew it, hell, everyone in their bloody compartment knew it. Too bad no one else believed them, and since they were on our owns? It was up to them to find a way to prevent the inevitable. She had heard through warm conversations over the summer, when she had visited the Weasley's, that the Ministry of Magic was oblivious to Voldemort's return. 

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