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"Your face consumes my dreams."
—  Meleager, tr. by Peter Whigham, from The Greek Anthology; "Epigrams,"


Perhaps she didn't expect George to be able to perfect the spell as well as he did, but she certainly didn't expect him to disarm her as quickly as he did. Her wand flew from her hand and there was a collective silence that filled the room as Fred gasped.

"A little distracted today, are we?" George laughed as she noticed Ginny cough up a few coins to Fred. 

Rowan rubbed the back of her neck and muttered a quick spell and her wand was sent flying back to her. "Bit tired, that's all."

"You cost me three galleon!" Ginny groaned and Rowan grimaced out, "Sorry, Gin."

She walked over to her group of friends and Fred grinned, "Don't be too sorry, Ro, you gifted me three beautiful galleon."

She rolled her eyes as she pulled the sleeves of her sweater up her arms. Her anxiety was on high and it was beginning to cause her to sweat a little more than normal. She wanted more than anything to know what was going on at Greer Manor, to see the truth her family was trying to keep hidden but she couldn't allow those thoughts to affect her right now. She needed to be focused during practice, she needed to learn and she couldn't learn if she was constantly thinking about all the Death Eaters her family was probably conspiring with as she speaks. 

"Ro?" George nudged her and she shook her head, giving him an apologetic look as he asked her again, "How's wandless magic training with Malfoy going?"

She groaned, rolling her eyes for a second time. "Ron needs to keep his big mouth shut."

"Well?" George mused. 

"I don't know if we're even study buddies anymore," she laughed, pushing the Weasley twin away. "We haven't really spoken since our last session."

"Need us to give him a stern talking too, aye Ro?" Fred asked, resting an arm on his brother's shoulder. "We could-" he threw a few fake punches in the air. "-rough him up, yeah?"

She shook her head with another laugh as someone behind her got disarmed. "He's not even worth it, Freddie."

Ginny frowned, crossing her arms as she shifted closer to them in their small circle. "Don't tell me you actually enjoy his company."

Rowan couldn't lie to her friend, Ginny was always good at seeing right through her like the rest of them so she shrugged, "He's not terrible when he's by himself."

"When is he ever without Pansy and Blaise?" Ginny scoffed and Rowan scowled and said, "They don't go into his room with us-" she clamped her mouth shut and her cheeks flushed. It sounded worse than it actually was and George gasped.

"Now that's a fact Ron seems to have left out!"

"George, please, it's not even like that-" she started but he held up a quick hand.

He was holding back a laugh as he blurted, "I've heard his sheets are silk, care to enlighten us with that one? Or maybe tell us if his bed really is as huge as the girls say-?"

"George," she glared and he laughed out a choking, "Don't tell me you've been in his bed already-"

Ginny elbowed him and that shut him up. Rowan's cheeks were flushed and she knew her face must've been a bright red by now. 

✓ WE NEVER SLEEP, draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now