Chapter 14 (THE END)

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Ezra breaks the news of Axel's grandmother's sudden death to everyone. It really was sudden. She passed away in her sleep. Went to sleep at night only to not wake up in the morning. Some would say she had a peaceful death, which might be true but it still does not deny that she is gone forever and is never coming back. A truth that all her loved ones will now have to accept and live with.

They all tried to contact with Axel to console and support him, like any other good friend would do but Axel was partly busy with arranging the funeral and the other half was him still being in a shocked state. He was the type to always plan ahead of things. He had made so many plans for and with his grandma.....but he never thought he would leave her so soon. He, Asher and Ethan were at the house he had so lovingly and proudly bought solely for her, where she and his younger sister used to live at. Now, since starting next year, his younger sister was going to university and will be living in a dorm, this house would be nothing else than a concrete empty building. Axel had left one message at the group chat after everyone consoled him. He did not want to worry them. He told them he was thankful to have such great friends and is fine. He will be staying at his hometown for a few days to handle a few things and not to worry. He appreciates their feelings and its fine if they cannot make it to the funeral. The funeral was taking place that afternoon, making it difficult for Dawn, Kara and Ezra to come since they did not own a car and had to wait for bus timings and travel via different buses.

After the funeral, Ethan gets a call from work. He decides to postpone the matter for Axel but Axel tells him he should go back. Asher then states that he wants to stay here with him but Axel reminds him that he was got his last audition tomorrow morning. Asher decides to skip it but Axel convinces him its importance and not to miss its chance. Asher then finally agrees to go back on one condition that he will come back after his audition. Axel hesitates but finally agrees. Soon they take their leave, telling Axel to take care of himself.

Axel then has a detail discussion with his sisters about the house. His three-year brother-in-law, elder sister's husband was also present. His youngest sister, who was the last person to talk and see the old women, requests Axel to not sell the house as it holds importance to her since she lived here with her dear grandmother. Her elder sister would also come here and so would Axel. All their memories have filled every room of this house. After a bit more talking, they all finally head back to their own rooms. Their elder sister had decided to stay here for the night.

Axel, then finally gets the time to take a deep breath and think properly for a moment. With everything that was going on, he had yet to keep up and realise what happened. His grandmother, someone who raised him like a mother was the closest to him than anyone else in this world. She was a petite woman who was always smiling. Her long, till ankles, white-gray hair, made her look so graceful. Not once did she show any expression of hurt or trouble despite all the difficulties they lived in. She was really strong. Worked hard, despite her old age. Fed him and his sisters, raised them, gave them education, encouraged them to follow their dreams. Taught them kindness, humbleness, and care. How she managed all that was remarkable, especially considering her intense neck and back pain that she had kept a secret from her grandkids. However, Axel did secretly found out about it though he never told her. All he felt he could do was help her and not let her carry a lot of burden. That is why when he started earning a stable income, he took her to a doctor. Now that she was gone, he felt sad, obviously, but more than that, he felt regret. If only he could see her smiling face for one more time. Just one more moment with her so he could thank her for all she did. Though he gave her a lot of things, he never expressed it with his words how much he loves her and how grateful he is for everything she did. She could have tossed them aside like their uncle did. Instead she fought for them and took them in. She had nothing to gain but more to lose. Yet she showered them with so much love and care. All her small gestures were precious to him. The way she would leave small snacks for him when he was studying or cover him with a blanket when he would fall asleep on the sofa. There were even times, when she would eat less just so they three could eat more. Axel never really figured out what did he ever do to deserve such an amazing human being for raising him, but he was really grateful.

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