Chapter 1

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A hand comes from under the cover and slams on the table. It misses the phone where the alarm was ringing and instead hits on the hard surface. A groan escapes in pain as that hand then finally finds the phone. A girl's head then comes out, eyes narrowing at the phone's screen. She presses the snooze button and goes back to sleep. After a few seconds, another alarm starts beeping. This time the sound was coming from the opposite direction. The girl again groans in pain because she had yet to go back to sleep. She glares at the alarm clock on the side table next to her. At this moment, she felt like throwing the device out the window but alas, she could not do that. When she reaches her hand to turn it off, she notices the time and quickly springs up, cursing loudly, "Oh Shit! I'm late!"

She quickly throws her alarm clock on her bed and runs to the bathroom. After a moment, she comes out without changing her clothes, she again lays down on her bed and says to herself, "I'm so stupid. My part-time starts at 12 p.m. and it's only 7 a.m." And soon she goes back to sleep.

Around 12, Dawn reaches the old house where she works as a part-time arts instructor, teaching the elderly how to paint for two hours. The pay wasn't that good because of the old house own funds being not that much, but the people were nice and she liked helping them and her pay was just enough for all her bills. The rest she would cover up by selling live sketches which she would do at the main market place after her job at the old house ended.

When leaving for the market place, she gets called out by a girl around her age.

"Dawn, wait!"

She turns around and pauses to wait for the girl running to catch up to her. Panting the girl adds,

"Sir replied. Did you check your email?"

Dawn excitedly brings out her phone and starts checking her latest mails.

"No, I forgot to check it this morning. What did he say? Will we finally get a chance this time?"

The girl joyfully nods her head, her eyes were sparkling.

"He accepted and gave me a theme to work on. I need to make 5 paintings based on the theme 'Solitude'. He says he will tell the date of the exhibition soon and these paintings need to be ready within two weeks!"

"Oh my god, that is so great! You will finally get to display your paintings!"

"I know, right!"

They both scream, and jump with anticipation. They couldn't control their happiness.

"What about you?"

The girl looked at Dawn who kept refreshing the page, hoping that by some miracle an email would appear but it did not.

"I did not get an email...."

Disappointment hid behind her voice.

"How could that be? We both applied at the same time. There are going to be other candidates and Sir did say that this time for sure we will get a chance. I did and you will too. Should we try messaging him?"

The girl felt sorry for Dawn. Both of them started talking to each other because of their same job and dreams. They had tried to get an exhibition via a small art institution for two years now. But each time they would get rejected and the excuse they would get was, 'Maybe next time.'

"No, there's no point in talking to him. He is going to say the same thing as before."

"Don't be disheartened. You know what, I feel that you are going to get an email soon. Maybe they are sending out emails to everyone and it takes time so that's why you haven't gotten one right now."

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