Chapter 13

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"Why would you do that?!"

Kara exclaimed, sitting up abruptly, she was careful enough to not let her head get hit unlike her friend.

"Did you lie to her about your job as well?!"

Dawn raised her brow, she had crawled near Kara and Ezra's bunk bed.

"No. She knows all about that. It's just the apartment situation. Also....she does not know I got fired....but she does know how I gave interviews at those companies and that I worked or am still working at a super mart."

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

"I didn't want to worry her. I wanted to help them but she wouldn't take money from me if she knew the truth. I had no choice but to lie...."

Ezra's expression held guilt and nervousness.

"So, now what?"

"Will you tell her the truth?"


Ezra looked up at her friends in worry. She could not see their faces clearly due to the darkness yet she could feel the empathy they felt for her.

"You can show her my apartment as yours."

Dawn spoke up, offering her a solution.

"I can't do that."

Ezra rejected straight away, shaking her head.

"Why not? I think it is the perfect solution."

Kara added.

"Did you forgot? She has seen your place before. Once, during that Thanksgiving dinner that your father held."

"Oh...right...I forgot about that."

"But it's been a long time since then. Surely, she doesn't remember the apartment."

"Mom's memory is like an elephant."

"....What do we do now?"

"Dylan and Axel have an apartment. Want me to ask them?"

"Would they even agree?"

"What about Ethan?"

"He will help you without a doubt."

"Have you seen his place?"

"I can't afford that. Mom will know it's not mine."

"Then Dylan and Axel it is." 

"But Dylan has a roommate."

"What was his name again?"

"I don't know. But I think even if Dylan will agree, his roommate will not."

"So, Axel it is then."

"But where will Axel and Asher live in the meanwhile?"

"They can stay with Ethan."

"Yeah or at a hotel. It doesn't matter. Right now, we need to find you an apartment."

"Axel said okay."

Dawn who was quiet this whole time as Kara and Ezra conversed, finally spoke up, startling the two girls.

"That was fast."

"Isn't he sleeping?"

"I don't know. I messaged him multiple times and he then replied. See."

Dawn turns her phone around, its screen facing the two girls who read the chat messages exchanged between Dawn and Axel.

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