Chapter 10

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After a few chats and laughter, they all decide to head back. Axel and Asher take their leave first. On the other hand, Ethan offers to drop Ezra back at her place, which she accepts. While she packs her things, Ethan talks to Dylan about his job.

"I know a publisher. He's an independent one. If you were to send a manuscript to him and he liked it, he would publish it. I can give you his contact if you want."

"Oh thanks. I will gladly take the number. Though, I still need to think about it because my job doesn't require me to publish somewhere else under my name."

"That's an issue. They aren't going to publish your work and then won't let you publish anywhere else. That is so not fair."

"I know. Let's see what happens. I might even open up my publishing company. We will see."

Dylan then says his goodbye and leaves. As soon as he leaves, Kara and Dawn starts poking each other while looking at Ethan.

" you guys want to say something?"


They whisper in the lowest voice so that Ezra who was in the bedroom couldn't hear them.

"What is it?"

Ethan also reflexively whispers.

"Are you going out with someone?"

"No. Why do you ask? Also, why are we whispering?"

"If we don't whisper then Ezra will hear."

"Now tell us, do you still like her?"

"Her who?"

Ethan raised his brow in confusion. Often times he did feel Kara and Dawn were weird but they all played along with it because it was fun. But right at this moment, he was having trouble figuring out what the two girls in front of him wanted.

"Ezra, stupid!"

Ethan's eyes go wide. He averts his gaze, coughs and mumbles,

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh shut up. We both know."

"How do you know?"


They both shrug. Ethan rolls his eyes at their response,

"Those guys...they can't keep a secret. And then they talk about bro-code...."

While mumbling, something crosses his mind, he quickly blurts out,

"Does Ezra know?"

"No. Not yet. She's clueless."

"Now back to our question. Do you still like her?"

"Yeah, because we know you have liked her from the beginning but at high school it was just friends and all that crap, but at University, you couldn't ask her out since she had this rule of no dating and wanted to focus on her goals and studies. You also got busy but now...."

"But now you got a chance. Yeah, Ezra doesn't have that same rule as before. She went out with a guy, you know."

"She what? Who? When?!"

Ethan exclaimed but Dawn motions him to lower his voice.

"That's besides the point. They long broke up. He likes someone else. Anyhow, you focus on yourself and your chance."

"....I know...."

"Yes, he finally admitted he likes her."

"Oh this is so exciting."

"Why are you both excited?"

"Because you two are our friends and we want to see you two happy."


Ethan stops talking as at that moment, Ezra comes out with her bag. Ethan, swiftly takes her bag from her and asks,

"Ready to go?"

He, Kara and Dawn pretended to be normal. As if the discussion from before, did not take place.

"Yeah. Sorry I went to the washroom so it took time."

"No problem. Let's go."

They say their goodbye to Kara and Dawn, as Kara whispers 'good luck' to Ethan, making him gulp. He did not expect to have the conversation that he had a few minutes ago with both.

Throughout the car ride, their was this awkward silence. They talked about games but then it again would be quiet. Ezra was deep on her thoughts. She wasn't really paying attention. It was all because she had heard all of Ethan's, Kara's and Dawn's conversation from before. She did like Ethan but she always felt he was out of her league. She still felt that but she can't stop her feelings. She did not know when she started feeling this way. It was sudden. she woke up one day feeling like she liked Ethan a lot more than she had thought. And from that point, her feelings kept growing. Ethan would ask if she is alright to which she would reply that she's fine. When they finally reached her place, Ezra stood out with her bag and as Ethan said goodbye to her, she quickly added,

"Wait. Remember how I promised to treat you to steaks after I get a job?"


"Let's make that a date."


"A date. You and me. Going out. Is that not okay?"

"That is okay but...."

"Don't worry, I will work hard to get a job."

"I know but you do know what a date means, right?"

"Why? You don't want to go?"

"No, that's not it. I do..."

"Then I know what a date means. I am not a kid. Though even a kid these days know what it means and I am an adult."

" listened in to our conversation earlier, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did. You guys are terrible whisperers."


"So...What took you so long?"


Ethan did not know what to reply to that. He totally was not expecting what was going on right now.

"Well though it's late, I am glad to know about it even if it was from through the door."

Ethan and Ezra chuckled, after which, Ethan smiled and adds,

"I like you. I have liked you for a very long time. Would you like to go out with me?"

"I would love to. Very much."

Ezra giggled out of happiness and adds,

"I like you too, stupid."

DREAMERS✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora