Chapter 2

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Tick Tock.

Tick Tock.

Ethan kept glancing at the huge round clock hanging on the wall in front of him. He was waiting. Waiting for this meeting to be over. He felt bored and couldn't stand it anymore. He took a peek at his father, sitting on the CEO chair, speaking about one of his new plans about their upcoming project. It wasn't that he did not feel interested, he was actually listening to everything intently but his mind was off to what his father had talked to him before this meeting. Giving him all kinds of instructions and little to no reaction at the project he had recently helped with. He always had trouble figuring out what his father wanted thanks to his expressionless face that never changed. In the meeting he was in, he had many ideas he could give which he felt were better and effective than what his father was saying but he dare to say anything especially after his father strictly instructed him to stay quiet during the meeting. This irritated him a lot. Why should he then bother attending it if he isn't allowed to say anything? It was always like this with his father. He had his own rules and choices he thought were good for Ethan and Ethan had to obey him.

"Does everyone agree with what I just said?"

Ethan, filled with his thoughts fails to hear what his father just said. Making his father repeat his question, this time intended for Ethan to hear while glaring at him.

"Everyone agrees, right?"

The person next to Ethan, who happened to be his father's personal assistant, nudges Ethan on the elbow making him come back from his thoughts. Ethan startled, looks at the assistant and then at his father. Seeing the look on his father's face, he clears his throat and adds,


His father averts his gaze quickly without waiting for Ethan to finish speaking.

After the meeting ends, Ethan is about to leave the conference room but gets pulled back by his father, who hisses,

"What is wrong with you? Why weren't you paying attention?"

"I'm fine and I was listening."

Ethan replies after pushing his father's hand away gently.

"Do not lie. I know you. Your mind was somewhere else. What do you think the others would have felt and thought by your attitude when they were giving their ideas and you were off in your own world? How many times have I told you to show respect to other members. Your lack of discipline is something which you should work on."

"I didn't show any sort of disrespect. I listened to every one carefully. It's just that I was the only one who wasn't allowed to speak. Instead of thinking about others, shouldn't you think about how I felt with you always keeping me behind? I am your son."

Ethan couldn't hold it in any longer. He wanted to do more things, get more responsibility, after all he is the one who is going to take over the company one day. But his father always kept him behind the scenes. Didn't give him anything with much authority to take care of.

"Are you trying to emotionally blackmail me?"

"No. All I am saying is that I'm ready for more, dad. I can do a lot more than you can think, just give me a chance."

Ethan softly pleaded, hoping his dad would agree.

"It's Mr. Jenkins for you during the office hours."

His father replied coldly. He walks by Ethan, pauses and without looking back adds,

"You do remember tonight we have an important dinner meeting with our clients? You need to be on your best behaviour, do not be like how you were today a while ago. Be attentive. It's crucial to impress them."

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