Chapter 12

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They all decide to go on a two-day camping trip over the weekend that everyone would be free at, the weekend after Ezra's interview. After sending her CV's to many places, only 5 got back to her. She got called for all 5 interviews on the same day but at different timings.

Meanwhile, Dawn's art instructor had finally selected her for an exhibition and asked her to make ten to fifteen pieces out of which five will be selected. The theme was fantasy and all the pieces should represent that theme. Her art colleague who got selected last time, didn't get to display her paintings as there was some sort of space issue, that is why she was also promised that her paintings would be on display this time. To say Dawn was excited was an understatement. She was overjoyed to such an extent that she didn't know how to explain her feelings. Her dream was finally coming true. Though she was having an artist block like a writer's block. She did not know what to make except that she wanted them to be original. That is why she was hoping that this trip would help her get ideas and inspirations.

Meanwhile, Kara had gone for a few days to live with her father. She had told him everything and surprisingly to her, he was quite supportive of her. He did not say much like she had imagined. All the while she was thinking of doing something of her own. She wanted to start something original, her own brand. She has always been the type who cannot work a 9-5 job. She needs authority to work better. That is why along with her father and friends, she was researching on what to do. She was also looking forward to this trip. Her ex-boyfriend tried to contact her again and her another friend told her how she saw him with some other girl. She can't believe how a person can have dual personality and what hurt her even more was that she blindly trusted that guy a few months ago.

Dylan, after meeting with that guy, resigned from his endless toxic job. He started working with the new guy. He needed to hand in an article. If it impressed him, then it will get published in the magazine.

Ethan, however, was working hard at his company. It was different from his father's company where he worked at but this was something he created along with two partners and now Axel's company was one of the main investors and shareholder. He has had no contact with his father at all. His father refuses to see him when he has time, otherwise he is too busy to talk to him.

Meanwhile, Axel had become more silent than usual. He would often zone out. Though he had already changed a lot than how he used to be, but now, he was even more quiet. It was worrying the rest of them. They told him to talk to him if anything's troubling him. But he would reply by saying everything is fine. He was also quite busy with his company after he, too, resigned from his job. HIs bonus had finally come and he had said good bye to the job that helped him a lot. However, his new job kept him pretty busy. His friends first thought maybe that is why he was so quiet. When he told his friends everything was okay, it wasn't that it was not okay. It was more like he was taking a huge step in his life and he felt lost. He did not know where to go from here. Everything, that at first was fun and exciting, was now becoming quite overwhelming for him. He was having trouble sleeping at night and most nights, he laid awake at bed. He had a feeling he had developed insomnia though he was still not sure. Because there were times, when he was really sleepy and would sleep a lot. That is why, even though he did not say it out loud, he was desperately looking forward to this trip. There was too much going on and he needed a break from everything.

As for Asher, he had already given three auditions at Ethan's company. He had also applied at different companies as well, to become a composer was now his dream and goal towards which he was working hard. He also had a lot of guidance from many people though he had yet to talk to his family. He decided to go meet them in person, along with Axel, after coming back from the trip. He was hoping the trip would give him some sort of courage.

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