Ch. 10 ~ "Bittersweet Chives"

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Questions are made when we don't understand, and await responses to be shown. Answers are made when we listen to some, and do so without a tone.

The woman before me lays out her hand so I place mine out in front as well. She grabs ahold of it, and places her grasp around my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm just checking to see if this bothers you," she responds with a serious tone.

"Well it's weird, can you stop?" I ask feeling slightly less comfortable.

I pull my wrist away considering she does not let go after my warning.

"Listen Dr. Elaine Chrystie, I don't remember you entirely so if you would not mind, please rewind why I can not remember you fully and I can not control these frequent visions?"

She nods her head in response.

"I will, but it is not just that easy, Allie," She says knowingly.

Why not? Why would it be so hard of her to simply tell me what is going on?

"Have you met Joshua yet? At school?" She asks me.

"Yes! Oh my gosh! He is quite the freak show if you ask me, he thinks we've dated!" I laugh uncontrollably until my lower abdomen aches.

She does not laugh. She sits there in silence with her connecting, boney fingers resting in her lap.

She is looking down at her toes. Her lips are pulled to one side, and she is biting it in nervousness. What is she not telling me? She uncrossed her legs and pulls her chair closer to mine.

"You see, Allie, I lost my job for doing this to you. If you repeat anything further, I could be charged," she says calmly.

"I don't understand, Dr. Chystie."

I can tell by that shining part in the bottom of her pupils that she is becoming frustrated.

"Why haven't they charged you then? I mean, if they know about whatever you did?"

She tilts her head to the left cautiously, then the right. We are in complete isolation, there is nobody in sight or hearing distance.

"I-uh, ran away."

I stop and look up at the woman who looks so fragile and feminine. How could she escape by running? Who could not catch her?

"Oh. From who?" I ask.

"The cops. I am on their hit list now, I can not stay in one place for a long time."

Wow. I am impressed. Her unique ability to illegally vanish from the police department of St. Jasper is quite astounding. This woman is actually starting to grow on me.

"Does all of this have to do with me ending up in the hospital, Dr. Chrystie?" I ask curiously.

"Indeed. Now I will tell you exactly what happened, and why you were in the hospital, the day you woke up."

Finally. Some answers! Now everything can be pieced together! I pull my chair closer to listen to Dr. Chrystie. I bend my head forward while pulling on my chair. As I sit back up in its new arrangement, I am repelled from her. A huge red pimple on the smack center of her face. How did I not notice that before?

As she clears her throat to begin, I stare disgustingly at her forehead. I have never once seen a pimple so large. It is the size of the top of my index finger. I realize I am being rude, so I look down at the needlepoint carpet beneath our toes.

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