Ch.18 ~ "Bitter Mint"

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To find your way to the end of the day you must push, you must dream, you must strive. To be something much more, you must open the doors, and do all of these things times five.

My blistered palms, bleeding on the hot concrete is almost untraceable to my attention at the moment. All I can think of is FFI. Fucking fatal familial issomia.

"Allie!!" Evan yells to me, landing about twenty yards away in a soft flower bed.

"Allie! What the hell you could've died!" Yells Evan, running up to me and bracing his arms around me.

Furiously, I slash them away screaming at him telling him to let me go. He jumps back closer to me through my bloody, striking arms.

"Stop it! You think I almost died? Well what about that day in the hospital? You almost died! Do you think I'm stupid? I know you knew exactly what was happening! You purposely didn't take your pills so that you could put an end to your suffering! Do you think suicide is a joke or something, Evan?" I scream at him with tears unleashed from my eyelids.

"Of corse not!" He yells back.

"Then why did you try to kill yourself?! Are you crazy?! Nobody should ever give up so easily like you did! My best friend killed himself and left me, I can't believe you'd do the same!"

"Shut up! You don't know shit about your own life! You tried to too, you know! You just don't remember! So shut your freaking mouth! It's not an easy decision, Allie!"

"Sure! Don't you think I'd remember trying to kill myself if I had?" I shout back at him furiously.

"No, you don't because of Elaine! That's why we're here, smart one!" He yells sarcastically.

He is right. I think so, anyways. I know Evan pretty well now, and it does not seem like him to lie. Although, what concerns me now is, how would he know what happened to send me into the hospital if I had not met him before I ended up there. And where did he come up with a story like that? I went to the hospital because I hit my head.

"Evan, that's not why I went to the hospital. I fell and hit my head."

Something very mysterious is going on. I can definitely feel it.

He pretends he does not hear me. He looks away in the distant. I frown in sadness that our relationship is rather negative and how we do not trust each other right now.

I look into the open spaces between the rows of trees and see something move. The slick black pelt glistens in the light of the moon, and a loud trashing of trees catches my attention and Evan's too.

"Hey, did you hear that?" He says, turning quickly to face me with nervousness rushing through his veins.

"Stop being so bloody paranoid, animals can smell fear."

He turns his fearsome face into one of insecurity.

"I am not scared!" He yells defending himself.

"Shhh! Whatever that is, it's going to hear you if you keep yelling," I whisper to him with a stern tone.

He looks awfully offended and walks off ahead of me into the dark, following the beam of yellow light of the flashlight in his hand. I follow shortly after, stepping quietly and cautiously trying not to draw attention to the mysterious thing in the woods.

"Hurry up, will you! We have nineteen minutes left to get through this field and to the bus station on Fielder's Avenue. " He calls back to me over his shoulder.

"Evan, we're lost."

"No we are not! It's on the other side of this field. Didn't you hear me?" He retorts making me roll my eyes in discontent.

I decide not to respond because whatever that black shiny thing is, it might hear me and attack the both of us. Evan seems to be proud of himself and walks like a rooster with his chest puffed up in awe. Typical guys and being stuck-up with their comebacks.

Minutes pass and our deadline for the bus is approaching quickly.

"Evan, we have like two minutes," I say softly, trying not to make him upset again.

"I'm not stupid, Allie. I have a watch of my own."

I look down at my feet. My green grass-stained shoelaces and aglets flop over the sides of my Nike running shoes. I peer down at my feet whenever I am sad or dreary. I don't know why exactly, but it does help me disperse my negative energy away.

Evan turns his head around subtly and I almost do not notice. I can tell he notices my gloomy behaviour and turns to stand in front of me. I try to move around him but he shuffles to the left, in front of me again.

"Move," I begin grumpily, "We're gonna miss the bus."

"Stop," he says simply.

"No, move!" I say pushing him away.

He grabs me by the shoulders, so that I can not move around him.

"Let go of me!" I yell frustratedly, tears pouring down my face.

I throw several weak punches towards his upper body in anger.

He pushes me backwards.

"Ugh! All you ever do is get in my way you asshole!" I shove him again.

"Don't you see I am trying to talk this over with you, and all you do is fight back!" He yells so loud, that his voice squeaks at the end if his sentance.

"Yeah? Well that's because you're a liar!" I yell shoving him backwards hard.

"You couldn't even tell your girlfriend you were fucking dying! If I wasn't stuck in a strange old city, in the middle of nowhere, on a stupid mission, I'd dump your sorry ass! I mean Jesus, Evan! You can't even get the gut to make a single romantic gesture! Meanwhile I'm stuck here with some stupid guy I'm head over heels in love with! I can't believe that I-" I begin ranting before Evan cuts me off.

"Do you ever stop talking?!" He says interrupting me.

"Excuse me!? I think you should-"

I can not speak. One moment I am yelling at Evan, the next he has me pinned against a willow tree with our lips entwined and our mouths connecting. The sudden bolt of adrenaline runs from my toes to my fingers which are now tangled in the curly blonde waves of hair.

I feel the heat of his chest pressed up against mine, and the quickening pound of the blood in heart. My knees quiver in awe and adrenaline and the next thing I know I am leaning against the tree alone and Evan is twenty yards away walking towards a set of bright lights. I regain my stability and jog over to where he is.

After a long silence he says, "Now you see, how can I make a simple romantic gesture, if you can't shut that pretty mouth of yours?"

I smile awkwardly, to myself but I hear him giggle in response to my reaction.

As notice the public transportation bus approach, Evan signals with a slight wave to the driver to stop, and we climb aboard. He tells me to find a seat, (which is not very hard considering we are boarding at 10:31pm) and he gives the corrupt driver a $50 tip to drop us off at an exact address.

"724 Bridge street," I hear Evan voice.

"From Fielder's avenue? That's a forty minute drive, son," the driver responds.

Two minutes later, after Evan successfully convinces the driver, I find myself resting calmly on Evan's cozy shoulder, looking out at the big city lights of downtown Chicago.

"Forty minutes, and you'll find out exactly who you are, babe," he says leaning in to gently give me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

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