Ch. 14 ~ "Dauntless Doll's Eye"

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Manipulation and no concentration can shadow upon our soul, what stairs you will climb, and theories you try, can turn the darkness to gold.

My hands pump with the rapid pulse in my veins. The tension between the my fingers and my palms begins to lower the amount of blood flow to them. I feel the skin on my face violently shift from cool to boiling hot fury.

Kat, Ashley and Dawny are all nervously glaring at the reactions that appear from this angry motionless body. It is not until my mom runs into Kat's house and strangles me with the grasp of her arms that I budge.

I turn my head to the right to face my mom. Her innocent face is now tear-stained and worrisome. I look over at Kat who is starting to cry herself, and she walks over to me.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Romaine. What happened last night, it wasn't my intention," she mumbles.

"Oh, so I see. It's about responsibility and manner isn't it!" I begin to yell at Katherine, "It's not my mom you should be apologizing to, it's me!"

She looks down.

"Now listen to me, Allison. Your father and I will speak with Katherine and her parents another time, what is our main concern is discussing the consequences immediately and making sure you're clean," my mom says to me sternly.

After going to the doctor's clinic and having to get multiple testings done, it turned out that Joshua's secret affair with myself was non-sexual and he had just been kissing and touching me.

This did not make me any less furious about what happened the night before and I knew that as soon as my chance became within reach I would grasp upon it thus follow through with my revenge. To be honest, I did not know how I would ever compete with what he had done but I knew whatever it was, it was going to scar him forever, like he had done to me.


Later that afternoon...

I knew what my next step would be. It would be to tell Evan what happened, if he had not have already checked any morsel of social media or heard from literally any human being of our age and district. I knew this would be hard to do, but hiding this from him would most definitely be a mistake on my part.

With tears dripping down my face, and most likely mascara covering my entire cheeks, I rang the doorbell at 137 Statspung drive. Mrs. Forbes opened the door and uncertainly welcomed me in. From her reaction, it was my guess she had already heard of the incident from Evan. And from looking at Mr. Forbes' reaction, I could tell he had not considering he came up, shook my hand and gave me a hug.

"Evan is in his room," she said grumpily, "but you mustn't close the doors".

It was oblivious to me, she did not trust me anymore, but thankfully her husband was over the moon to see me.

"Oh dear, Allie is our guest, thus we must treat her with due respect," he begins, "And Evan actually just left out the back door to take a walk to the park."

Mrs. Forbes nervously glanced over at Mr. Forbes with uncertainty. That was it, she had zero percent respect left in store for me. Or trust for that matter.

"Thank you Mr. Forbes, I will go meet him there," I politely say pointlessly seeking admiration or respect from his wife.

"You'd better not do anything worth complaining about!" Yelled Mrs. Forbes instantly before I began my walk outside.

After a short ten minute walk, the gravel pathway concluded at the edge of a pathetic little playground set in the middle of an ominous forest. There before me was Evan. His back facing me made me want to run back where I came from but I knew I needed to confront my fears.

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