Ch. 13 ~ "Gullible Geranium"

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Believe me you must, is what they say, and so without worry we do everyday. Then lies become shown, and we should have known, at least, that's what they say.

Looking into Evan's eyes, I want to hold him tight and remain attached to his gaze forever. This all seems surreal. Like a dream or simulation, perhaps. But I cannot trust him. Maybe I should, but ever since the incident I could never trust like I could before. As he pulls me to the dance floor, my stomach churns and fills with regret for not pulling away from him.

The swaying music, the soft beats, little hearts pounding while dancing with their partners, I feel so out of place. He holds a hand out asking for mine but I am afraid. For one thing, my heartbeat runs down to my palm.

He comes close to my face, and I turn to the side. I want to apologize, hold him tight again and feel our lips grave one another's. I can not though, I can not let myself become vulnerable.

"Allison Romaine, will you dance with me," that bright soul speaks to mine.

No! No way! Don't do it Allie! My mind says to me. I know it is right. My heart is wrong, but then I think of all the wrong choices I have made, and I'm sure one more shouldn't be too harmful, right? I grab his hand and he pulls me close.

I look over at Dawny who is dancing with one of Evan's friends, and Ashley is curiously looking at another one of his friends. Katherine gives me a 'subtle' double thumbs up and I look up into his eyes to see him squint happily back to Katherine. I wish I was not so untrusting and nervous in relationships because right now all I can think of, is how adorable his reactions are to our friends.

From my heart and below, my body begins to tingle. Oh, how I am so in love with this goof. He looks down at my eyes and grins in a way I can tell he thinks I am an accomplishment to gain.

"What is it?" I say disturbing the moment we share.

"What is what?" he says spinning me into his muscular arms confidently.

"You see something in me, what is it," I ask letting his amazing dance moves guide me whichever way they control me.

"There's plenty of things," he smiles, dipping me close to the ground.

"Like what?" I frustratedly spit back.

"Your eyes," he says looking into them as I still remain in his grasp a foot from the floor.

"Oh, okay," I say sadly. Honestly the only thing more typical then saying my eyes, is my face. I expected something more important than the color or shape of an eye.

"You want to know why?" he says, pulling me back up.

Oh god, here we go.

"Because when I see other girls' eyes I see blue, brown or green colors," he begins.

I am already bored, I knew it was about the color.

"When I look into yours I don't. When I look into your eyes Allison Romaine, I see a story. I see an infinite storyline of heartbreaks, tragedies, birthdays, and even the little things, like receiving your very first bike, or a grade one 'student of the month' award, and I wish I could rewind time to be there for you. To let you cry on my shoulder or hug onto until my bones break in spite of pure joy. I wish I had the honor to love you since your very first breath like I do now."

I stop and let go of his hand and shoulder. I am for the first time in forever, genuinely stunned. His way with words, is nothing short of magical. It is supernatural.

"What?" he says nervously, concerned by my response.

"Where did you find that?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Where did you find that quote?" I respond.

"My brain, I guess?" he chuckles with embarrassment.

"You made that whole thing up?" I ask with doubt.

"Yeah well, it's not that hard I mean, that's pretty much exactly how I feel."

I bite my lip in excitement. It is like my mind is telling me, well Allison, it looks like you have found yourself a keeper.

I hug him tightly and then he rests his head on mine.

"And Al?" He says.


"I never ever want to lose you again so i'll take this however slow you want."

"Hey! I thought you were smart, can't you tell when a girl is crazy about you?" I say pulling my lips into his.


When I return to Katherine's house, the whole group: Dawny, Ashley, Katherine and Gabby, will not stop blubbering about Evan and I.

"I'm so glad you guys made up!"
"I knew you'd sort it out!"
"You guys are the cutest couple!"

Honestly, the whole thing is a tad overwhelming.

"Ugh! Thanks girls, you're all sweet but seriously, enough with the annoying white girl comments! I'm getting a headache!" I say putting my hands on the sides of my head.

"I know what'll ease that stress!" Says Katherine with a sly yet intriguing smile, "I'm really glad my parents are gone!"

The rest of us look at each other nervously as she runs around the corner of the basement walls super excitedly.

After ten minutes, Katherine returns carrying an old, expensive chest with gold border details.

"What's in it? What's in it?" Says Ashley jumping up to examine the chest.

"Well, in spirit of her new relationship, Allie gets to pick first," Katherine says walking over to me formally.

She hands me the heavy box containing a mysterious collection of something. I slowly open the chest revealing an incredibly large collection of expensive alcoholic beverages.

"Katherine, I've never drank before," I say.

"Yeah I know," she smiles sinisterly, neither have I."

After what seems like an hour of arguing, I decide to try it.

I recognize a highly expensive champagne my parents had on their anniversary dinner, "Domperignon" and I can not resist the temptation.

"This one!" I say raising the bottle high.

The other girls cheer as I open the cap and begin to chug the champagne. One I finish my large sip, my jaw clenches and then I cheer loudly.


When morning rises, I awaken upside down looking at the final step of a staircase. I gradually find the strength to pull myself up. I look at my "outfit" which is actually just my sparkly pink bra and a pair of ripped jeans I put on when we got back last night. I shrug it off and walk upstairs to see Katherine, Dawny and Ashley. I yawn and sit down next to Dawny.

"Where's Gab?" I ask.

"She left an hour ago," Katherine says flipping a pancake, but dropping it on the floor near my foot.

"Woah! Watch out Katty, ya nearly burnt my toes off!" I jokingly yell a bit loud.


I recognize the sadness in her voice.

"What's wrong Kat?" I ask concernedly.

"Nothin'..." She says dropping an egg on the floor accidentally.

I run up to her and grab her by the shoulders.

"You invited him over last night Al. Yeah, you were drunk as hell, but when we all went to the store you stayed. When we got back he was all over you and you were fast asleep."

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I scream.

"The cops got him and took him away but he was wheelin' with you and touchin' you and I'm sorry I gave you that champagne."

"Who?!" I yell.


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