Ch.19 ~ "Azalea Forests"

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To change how you feel, and change how think, something new must appear. Now if you  fall for that thing and let down your door, you must be ready to change everything.

Walking out into a rather beautiful landscape of apple blossom trees and bushes of azalea, I feel free and at ease for a slight moment. The night lights and lightning bugs light up the long pathway to the huge old-fashioned building with rose-coloured stucco and forest-green shingles.

"Woah," says Evan, glaring at the beautiful home before us.

"It's beautiful," I exclaim, stepping one foot at a time getting closer to the incredible home.

He looks over at me deeply. His eyes are full of emotion and nervousness.

"Uh, what are you going to say? I mean, to Elaine- uh, I mean Dr. Chrystie."

"To be honest, I'm not quite sure," I say, placing my head on his shoulder and letting him wrap his left arm around the two of us.

"You'll be okay you know," he begins, caressing my shoulder gently.

"Yeah, I guess," I respond, blankly.

As Evan and I silently march towards the old building, my cotton top gets snagged on a bush of azalea. Evan kneels down to unravel the mess but instead, he stops midway through the job. With the realization of my puzzled appearance, Evan points towards a small hole in the bush and pulls out a rather small glass bottle containing an old sticky note inside.

"Woah," I begin astonished, "Do you think that Elaine wrote that?"

Evan shakes his head in disagreement and unravels the letter in the bottle.

"You see this navy blue scribble at the bottom?" He says intriguingly.

I look at the scribble.

"Yeah," I say, before noticing the resemblance to the letter W within the writing.

"This scribble is actually a signature with initials. The letters appear to resemble PW."

Evan scrolls his eyes to the top of the letter, with a sudden fear-stricken expression portrayed on his face.

"Evan, what's wrong? You look startled."

"I'm not startled," he begins, harshly sounding more furious after each word he reads, "This person knows you."

"Okay," I begin, "What is the matter with that?" I ask slightly curious.

"Nothing! Nothing's wrong, now mind your own damn business!" He screeches making me stumble backwards in shock.

My eyes change from a light blue-green to a dark navy blue within a moment. I cannot see them but I am certain as to when I become frightened or angry my pupils dilate and my irises become a darker hue.

Evan covers his eyes with his palms and begins to cry. I have never seen him cry like this ever before. He shuts his tired, yet beautiful strained eyes, and lets his palms fall to his knees that rest on the cold, wet concrete pathway beneath us.

"Babe, what's the matter," I ask, timidly yet calming.

He sighs sadly, tilting his head upwards to face mine.

"Please, tell me you would never leave me for another man," he cries inconspicuously.

"What? Where is this coming from?" I ask him, sympathetically.

"Just read this," he says depressingly.

I pick up the letter in his hand and shake off the dust, to read it. I first look at the date, December 29, of last year. I look down at the text below and begin to read the letter.

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