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Thomas POV (So, they're in high school, the place where dreams die)

"Mr Jefferson. A word, please." Thomas stopped in his tracks, sighing. He turned back towards the teacher. "What's up, Mr Washington?" he asked, plastering a smile on his face. Washington motioned to the chair by his desk, not amused. "Thomas, I've noticed you seem to be having some trouble with history." he began. Thomas scoffed. "I don't know why that's a problem. Why do we need to learn about a bunch of old dead guys anyway?" Washington sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to assign you a tutor until you make some progress," he stated, before Thomas could protest. Just then, Hamilton burst in, carrying 12 different books in his arms. "You said you needed to talk to me Mr Washington?" he asked, setting down the books. Then he noticed Thomas sitting there. "What's he doing here?" he scowled. Thomas swore he saw a smile at the corner of Washington's mouth. "Alex, you know Thomas." "Unfortunately," Thomas muttered. "Alex, you will be helping Thomas here with his history work. "        Washington said, shooing them out of the classroom. "And no, you do not get a choice, and no, you cannot switch places with someone else.  Are we clear?" Both the boys glared at each other before nodding. "Excellent. Then it's settled." Washington said, closing the door. 

They walked down the hallways, before they arrived at the library. Hamilton trudged over to a table, dropping his books down with a thud. "Sit." Thomas rolled his eyes and slid a chair over. "Tutoring. Yeah, boring. Can I go now?" he asked. Hamilton looked at him, and if looks could kill, Thomas would be lying on the ground choking on his own blood. "You are going to stay here, and you are going to study, because if you fail even after Washington assigned me, it'll reflect badly on me." he hissed. Thomas begrudgingly brought out his books, turning the page. "Where are your notes?" Hamilton asked, annoyed. "I may have accidentally sorta on purpose dropped them in the fireplace..." Thomas murmured, smiling. Hamilton groaned, exasperated. "This is impossible! How am I supposed to tutor you when you have absolutely nothing!?" Just then the bell rang. Hamilton dropped his head into his hands. "Calm down." Thomas smirked. "Here. He wrote down his number. "Whenever you decide to try again, call me. Or not." He laughed as he left the room.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

Jemmy: Dude where are u??

SassyMacoroni: I had to go to the library. What's up?

Jemmy: Why were u at the library? You haven't been there in years!

SassyMacoroni: Haha. Funny. Washington's making me get a tutor for history

Jemmy: Who is it?

SassyMacoroni: ...

SassyMacoroni: Don't laugh

Jemmy: Seriously, who?


Jemmy:  🤣

SassyMacoroni: It's not funny. I'll see you in 5

Thomas  put his phone away and made his way to the exit. James and Aaron were waiting for him. "Hey guys," he sighed. "How'd it go with Hamilton?" James asked, grinning. "Wait, what?" Aaron exclaimed. "What did I miss?" (hahahaha) "Thomas has Hamilton tutoring him in history!" James laughed. "No way!" Aaron smirked. "For how long?"  "Only until my grade goes up." Thomas explained. "So...forever?" James said seriously before him and Aaron burst into laughter. Thomas threw his hands in the air. "Come on, guys! Really? Can you just let it go already?" After the boys stopped laughing, they all made their way the their cars. "OK, bye guys!" Aaron called before they all drove off. 

Thomas pulled into his driveway, turning off the ignition. He walked through the door, tossing his backpack by the coat rack. Just then his phone beeped.

NonStop: Jefferson, I'm coming over. Get your notes ready.

SassyMacoroni: ?? how do you know where I live? 

SassyMacoroni: And I'm busy.

NonStop: I don't recall asking your opinion.

10 minutes later, Thomas heard tires on the pavement. Then the doorbell rang. He sighed and unlocked the door. Hamilton walked right in like he owned the place and started giving orders. "First off, get your notes. Bring them to the table. Are your parents home?" Thomas shook his head. "They're on vacation. And thank you, for inviting yourself over, by the way." Hamilton shushed him. "More work, less talk." Thomas smirked. "You sound like a mixed up version of Aaron." he smiled. Hamilton scoffed. "I'd hope not. You remember the class election?" He stared off into space, remembering the previous years' madness. "Oh, yeah. The election..." Thomas agreed.  "Okay, then." Hamilton said suddenly, breaking the silence. "Back to work." 

They studied for a long time. Thomas was almost on the verge of collapse, he was so tired.  Hamilton just drank continuous cups of coffee. When Hamilton finally decided he had studied enough for today, Thomas almost laughed deliriously. He stayed at the table even after Hamilton left, sitting in silence, before a call from James snapped him out of his thoughts. "Hey, James," he yawned. "Hey, Thomas. How'd tutoring go?"  James asked. "Not too bad, I guess. Hamilton seriously does not stop for anything." "Ooh! Thomas has a crush!" James singsonged. Thomas's end if the line went quiet. "Thomas?" James asked. Thomas spoke again, and he guessed James could hear the blush in his voice. "What? Do you hear me denying it?"

Part 2? Y or N?

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