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Hamilton was sitting on a bench in the park, quietly writing in a small notebook. Jefferson was walking by and noticed him. He grinned wickedly. He snuck up behind Hamilton and scared him, causing him to jump and his hand to slip, messing up his writing. "What the hell, Jefferson?" he exclaimed. Jefferson shrugged. "Sorry. Why are you sitting outside?" He indicated to the snowy landscape around them. Hamilton sighed. "It's calming. I needed to think." he turned his attention back to his notebook. Jefferson snatched it and held it above his head. The smaller male glared up at him. "It's not polite to ignore someone when they're talking to you," Jefferson teased. "How are you not cold?" he asked, noticing that Hamilton had only a hoodie and gloves for winter gear. Hamilton shook his head. "I'm just not cold. I have no idea why."

"Maybe because you're so hot" Jefferson said jokingly. Hamilton flushed. "Are you...blushing?" Jefferson asked. "What? no." Hamilton said quickly. "Did I get the most serious, ever stoic, Alexander Hamilton, to blush?" Jefferson said, faking astonishment. "No, i-it's the cold.." Hamilton stuttered. "Huh," said Jefferson, "It's the cold, not that fact that I said, for example, your face is freaking adorable and I bet the rest of you is too?" At this, Hamilton went absolutely fire engine red. "No, it's not." he protested. Jefferson laughed. "Sure it isn't." Hamilton stood up and began to walk away. Thomas followed him, jogging a little to catch up. "Why are you following me?" Hamilton asked, rolling his eyes. "Let's just assume that I'm bored. Or maybe I've decided to be nice to you. Who knows, really." He grabbed Hamilton's notebook and started running. Hamilton's brow furrowed. "Wait, what?" Thomas laughed. Hamilton realized his notebook was gone. "Jefferson, get back here!" he yelled, chasing after him. He reached Thomas, but slipped on the ice, bringing them both down to the snowy ground. He grabbed a fist full of snow and shoved it in Jefferson's face. "That's for taking my notebook." he exclaimed triumphantly. Just then, Thomas used his legs to flip Alexander over into the snow, and began stuffing snow into his shirt. "Admit your surrender!" he laughed. "I yield, I yield!" Alex cried. They both gasped for breath. Then they realized Thomas was practically straddling Alexander. They blushed and hurried to stand up. "Great," Alex complained, looking down at his soaking wet hoodie and shoes. "Now I gotta walk all the way home in these." Thomas grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. For real this time. You wanna come over and warm up?" Alex looked at him skeptically. "Do you live close?" Thomas nodded. "Follow me."

They made their way to Thomas's studio apartment, which really was only a few blocks away. Once they got upstairs, Thomas started to make hot chocolate. "Hey, if you want, you can borrow some clothes and I can run your stuff through the dryer?" he offered. Alex, who had started shaking, nodded quickly. Thomas disappeared down the hall and came back with a sweatshirt and pajama pants. Alex smiled gratefully and stepped into the bathroom to change. While his clothes were drying, they sat on the couch, sipping hot chocolate and talking. At one point in the conversation, they had both stopped talking and stared at each other. Alex blushed again as Thomas carefully took his hand. Alex leaned in and they kissed softly, before they started kissing more passionately. Their lips parted cause we all need this dumb thing called oxygen. They both blushed, and started kissing once more. They made their way down the hall into Thomas's bedroom, and stayed there for the rest of the night. The next morning, Alex woke up with his head on Thomas's chest, with both of his arms around his hips. Thomas woke up, and smiled at him. "Hi there." he said. Alex's face went pink as he acknowledged their position. Thomas sat up, grinning smugly at Alex. "What?" he asked indignantly. Thomas smiled wider. "I always wondered what that would be like." he teased. "Ha ha ha." Alex said sarcastically, grabbing his borrowed clothes from where they were thrown across the room. Thomas sat up and pulled on his stuff. "'s been established that I like you, right?" he asked Alex, who nodded. "Great. Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Alex nodded and kissed him again. "I'd like that very much." 

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