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Thomas walked into the office, swinging the door open. Hamilton didn't even look up, too absorbed in his work. "What do you want?" he asked, exasperated. Thomas smirked, about to reply with a snarky comment, when he noticed a little boy with curly hair standing shyly behind Hamilton. "Who's the kid, Hamilton?" he asked, choosing to ignore the many offensive nicknames he had for the sake of the boy, who couldn't be older than five.  "That's my son." Alexander said warily. Thomas crouched down and smiled at the younger Hamilton. "Hey there. What's your name?" he asked him kindly. The boy smiled. "Phillip. You have funny hair." he whispered. Thomas raised his eyebrows at Hamilton, who just shrugged. Thomas looked back at Phillip. "Funny hair? I think it's more awesome then funny."  Phillip giggled as Thomas shook his head, sending his curly hair flying everywhere. Alex stared at the encounter, suprised by Thomas's kindness with his son.  "Daddy!" Phillip said, tugging on Alex's sleeve. "Can I go play at the park with Mr Thomas?" he asked, beaming.  Alex looked at Thomas apologetically. "I told him I'd take him to the park after I finished working. But then..." he indicated the piles of paper across his desk. Thomas grinned. "Say no more. Come on, Phillip. Let's get you to the park." 

Phillip skipped alongside Thomas on the pavement, asking him questions about everything from his work to random things they saw on their way. "What's that?" Phillip asked for the umpteenth time, pointing at a daisy that had sprouted up between the stones of the sidewalk. "That's a daisy. You want to pick it and take it home for your mommy?" Thomas asked. Phillip shook his head. "Mommy doesn't live with us anymore. She and Daddy fight lots now."  Thomas frowned. He had heard the Hamiltons  had gone through hard times after the Reynolds Pamphlet, but he couldn't have imagined it would go that far. "Okay. Let's bring it back for your daddy then." he said cautiously. Phillip cheered and picked up the flower in his little hands. "Come on, come on! Let's go show daddy, Mr Thomas!" 

Phillip ran through the office, clutching his flower. "Look Daddy! We brought you a flower! And Mr Thomas taught me about ducks! And cars! And how you build a house!" he laughed, holding up the daisy. Thomas leaned against the doorway, grinning. Alex took the flower and ruffled Phillip's hair. "Thanks, buddy. You wanna help me get ready to go home?" he asked. Phillip nodded. "Can Mr Thomas come home with us?" he asked, looking to Thomas, who sighed. "Sorry, buddy. I've got to go home now."  Phillip pouted. "But I wanna keep playing!" he shouted. Alex picked him up. "Tell you what. If you wanna come back to work with me again, I'm sure 'Mr Thomas' will play with you more. Okay?" he asked. "Okay. Bye bye Mr Thomas!" he called out, waving at Thomas. "Bye, Phillip." Thomas smiled, waving back.  Alex turned back to him as he buckled Phillip into his car seat. "Thanks. For, you know, watching him." he said awkwardly. Thomas laughed. "No problem. You Hamiltons are adorable." 

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