High School Party

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HIGH SCHOOL PARTY! My dear younger readers, avoid these at all costs. They are fun, they are loud, and they are dangerous to the untrained student. Be warned...;)

"But I don't wanna go!" Alex complained, spinning around in his desk chair, work piled up behind him in a tower of papers and books. John crossed his arms. "You can't just spend the rest of your life studying. You're going, and that's that." he said. Herc and Laf nodded. "He's right, man. You literally NEVER do anything fun." Herc shrugged. Alex threw his hands up in the air. "But what about all this homework! Don't you guys care about your futures?!" he exclaimed. John laughed. "All I care about right now is going to that party, and breaking you out of your shell." A pause. "Get it? Shell?" John waited, pointing to the turtle on his shirt.  Laf rolled his eyes. "Assez avec les jeux de mots, Turtle Boy." Everybody chuckled, except for Herc, who couldn't exactly speak french yet. Alex whispered a quick translation in his ear and he laughed too.  "Now come on!" John said, pulling Alex up and pushing him towards the door.  "Just five more minutes!" Alex sighed, trying to break away. "Nope!" 

The house was blaring music all the way down the street, and as the group approached, they could make out blinking lights and hear drunken whoops of maniac joy. "Are we sure this is safe?" Alex whispered to Herc. He shook his head. "You're missing the point. Parties are where you do whatever the hell you want, with no consequences!"  As Herc walked ahead, Alex stared after him. "Should I be concerned about him?" he asked.  "We usually just make sure he doesn't try to drive afterwards. He's fine." John said, practically jumping with excitement. 

Alex walked through the door and was temporarily blinded by the crazy lighting. Only when he blinked rapidly could he make out the shapes inside. People were dancing everywhere, stuff was everywhere, and at least five different people were making out in plain sight. "Oh my god." he thought, staying awkwardly by the door.  Herc made a beeline for wherever the drinks were, and Laf and John disappeared into the crowd. Now alone,  Alex stayed close to the walls, trying to avoid attention being drawn to him.  Twice he had to duck away from people getting shoved around, and once from a bottle being thrown randomly across the room.  

Sitting on the upstairs balcony, Alex sat up against the door to prevent anyone else trying to get it.  He exhaled deeply, closing his eyes. He had a feeling if he went downstairs, he'd find his friends having the time of their lives. "What's wrong with me," he thought, "why do I just get scared of stuff they think is fun?"  A quick, rapid knock shocked him out of his thoughts.

Standing, he let  the door swing open. "Hey," Thomas panted, shoving the door closed. "What are you doing?" Alex asked, confused.  "Oh, I just annoyed some people. A lot of people. Who are REALLY drunk." he said casually, sitting down. Alex sighed, chuckling. "I don't even wanna know what you did."  He sat across from Thomas, and they started talking about life and other  stuff. (VERY SPECIFIC. By the way, if you get this, I will write 5 chapters exactly how you what them.) Just then, footsteps thundered through the hallway. "Quick, hide!" Thomas hissed, pulling Alex away from the door and out of sight. Alex went red as the two of them were pressed together. "Okay. They're gone." Thomas whispered, but the two didn't move away. "Alex? You out here?" John's voice came from the hallway. Alex looked up at Thomas and then back at the door.  The handle of the door started twisting open. "HOLY SHIT!!" 

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