Kiss Cam

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Alex sat down in his seat, talking with John. He looked around the stadium, distracted. "Oh, hell no!" somebody groaned. Alex turned to see Jefferson and Madison standing by the seats right next to theirs. "What do you want, Jeffershit?" Alex hissed, crossing his arms. "Watching a game, duh. What about you? I didn't you could afford seats like this." Jefferson replied, sitting down. Alex fought down a blush. He was right, he couldn't have afforded the seats. They were actually a gift from Washington for his birthday. John noticed Alex's silence, which was...odd. Usually Alex would be in a full blown argument. He tried to distract him by puling him into a conversation about the game.

Once the buzzer rang, signalling halftime, John and Madison had both got up to grab snacks, leaving Alex and Jefferson sitting in awkward silence. People started laughing at something on the jumbo tron ( I'm sorry that's what they call the big screen thing where I'm from.) Alex looked up and saw that a kiss cam was rotating around the crowd. Jefferson was rapidly typing on his phone, while Alex was watching the jumbo tron with  half interest.  Then the camera landed on the two of them. Alex went bright red. "Jefferson. What do we do?" he whispered, tapping his sleeve. Jefferson looked up at the screen and almost choked on air. "Ignore it." he said, barely audible, looking back down and shaking his head.  Alex tried to stay cool, but the blush stubbornly refused to die down. 

After the third time the camera got back to them, Jefferson threw his hands in the air. "OH COME ON!" he exclaimed. "They're not gonna leave us alone," Alex whispered. "Well, then now what, genius?" Jefferson asked sarcastically. Alex blushed and quickly grabbed his collar, pulling his lips against his. Jefferson's eyes widened, but he didn't pull away. People were whistling and cheering, cause at this rate, they were almost making out.   On the other side of the arena, John and Madison were giggling like four year olds, handing the camera man fifty dollars. "Thanks." they said, running back to their seats. John snapped a picture and then the two of them pulled the two apart. "Where were you guys?" Alex asked John suspiciously. He shrugged. "The lines were crazy." he said convincingly.  "Okay..." Alex said. Jefferson tapped him on his shoulder. "Are you gonna explain what we just did?" he asked him. Alex looked at his feet. "I know I technically did it to make them go away, but Idon'treallywantittobeaonetimethingbecauseIreallylikeyou." he said quickly. Jefferson smirked and pulled Alex to him again, while John and Madison were extreme fangirling behind them. 

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