Jungle Explorers/Pancakes💞

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Happy Birthday to meeee! That's my excuse for not updating for a few days. So I will grant you the most fluffy chapter ever written! But there is some sexual mentioning. And smut. OoOops.  

The five year old crept up onto the bed, giggling quietly. She clamored onto her fathers' stomach. "Daddy! Wake up!" she laughed, shaking his shoulder. Alexander groaned, opening one eye. "Mary, honey, it's so early." he whispered, sitting up and hugging her close. She pouted. "But I wanna go make pancakes!" Alex looked beside him, at his husband, who kept sleeping peacefully. He rolled his eyes and tossed Mary over his shoulder. "Okay, sweetie. Let's go make you some pancakes." 

"Go go go!" Mary shrieked, wiggling in excitement. Alex laughed, setting her down on the counter. "Alright, what do we need to do first?" he asked her, pressing his forehead to hers. She thought for a moment. "Wash hands!" she giggled.  Alex cheered. "That's right!" he helped her roll back the sleeves of her onesie and held her little palms under the tap. 

Thomas woke up, blindly reaching out for his husband with his eyes still closed. When he felt the empty space beside him, he opened his eyes and sat up. He heard giggling coming from the kitchen, and walked down the hall. Alex and Mary were trying in vain to flip a pancake, but ended up getting batter everywhere. "Hi Papa!" she waved. Thomas smiled at the adorableness that was his family. "Hi darling." he kissed her head and wrapped an arm around Alex. "And good morning sweetheart." Alex kissed his cheek. "Glad to see you decided to join us, sleepyhead." Thomas laughed. "What are you guys doing?" he asked, wiping batter off Mary's face with his thumb. She threw her arms around him. "Daddy and I made pancakes." she whispered in his ear. "But it was supposed to be a surprise for you."  Alex pulled Mary away. "It's not a secret if you tell him, silly." he said, tickling her. 

Thomas helped them flip decent looking pancakes and scrape the remaining batter off the kitchen. Alex held up a forkful. "Here goes nothing." he said nervously, before eating it. "Woah." he muttered. "Is it good?" asked Thomas, resting Mary on his hip. "Good? These are the greatest pancakes I've ever eaten!" Alex exclaimed. "Yay!" Mary cheered. Thomas grabbed a stack of pancakes and brought them to the table. "Let's eat." 

After they had finished eating, Mary ran around, laughing, as Thomas playfully chased her, growling as a "lion". Alex watched them happily and snapped a picture, sending it to Laf, Herc, and John. 

iownedahorse: Awwwww cuties❤️

TheFrenchiestFry: C'est juste précieux

TurtleBoi: This picture has given me life🤣

Alex laughed, drawing Thomas's attention. "Come play with us, Lexi!" he called, waving him over. Alex gave up and walked over. "What are you playing?" he asked Mary. "We're playing jungle. Papa is a lion, and I'm a exporer!" she said, adorably mispronouncing it. "You can be my helper." she said matter of a factly, pointing to Alex. He went along with it, handing her the 'supplies.' (really just a stuffie and cardboard binoculars.) "Oh no! A lion!" Alex cried dramatically. Thomas fake roared, catching Alex and playfully biting his neck. "Aah! I've been vanquished! Bleugh!" Alex said, stifling a laugh and failing. "Ow! Thomas stop that tickles!" he giggled. Mary shrieked and tackled Thomas to the ground. "Papa, No! Don't kill daddy!" she wailed. He smiled, letting Alex sit up. "I wasn't hurting Daddy, sweetie. Don't worry." he explained. Mary looked confused. "But he was yelling."  Alex was trying so hard not to laugh his head off, instead pulling her into his lap. "Papa was just being silly, okay honey?" he asked her. She nodded. 

Alex carefully tucked Mary under her covers, and pressed a kiss to her hair. He crept out of her room, careful not to wake her. He bumped into Thomas, who was waiting out in the hallway. "She's asleep?" he whispered. Alex nodded. "Out like a light." Thomas grinned. "Good." he kissed Alex passionately, the shock sending Alex stumbling back against the wall. Thomas ran his tongue over Alex's lower lip, but Alex backed up. "Not so close to Mary!" he hissed. "We're gonna wake her up!" Thomas nodded and picked him up. "What are you doing?" Alex whisper-shouted, clinging onto his neck. "You said not here. So we're going somewhere else." Thomas smirked. 

He tossed Alex onto the bed, and lay down beside him. They started kissing again, and Alex tugged on the hem of Thomas's shirt, signalling him to take it off. He pulled it over his shoulders, while Alex fiddled with the zipper of his jeans. Once they had both tossed their clothes to some pile on the ground, Thomas trailed kisses down Alex's neck, making his way down, while Alex entwined his hands in Thomas's hair. "T-Thomas," he groaned, "Stop teasing-" While he had been talking, Thomas had taken Alex in his mouth, running his tongue along him. Alex bit down on his lip, still concerned about his daughter hearing his moans and coming in to see what was happening. Alex's back arched, his hand now covering his mouth in an attempt to hide his moans. Thomas pulled away just as Alex felt his climax forming. "Why'd you stop?" Alex panted. Thomas grinned. He took Alex's legs, wrapping them around his waist, and moving a finger inside him. Alex moaned, forgetting about Mary for a fraction of a moment. Thomas went to add another finger, but Alex just grabbed his arm. "Just fuck me already," he pleaded, his face red. Thomas's brow creased, but Alex bucked his hips, taking Thomas's length at once. He moaned, his head rolling back against the pillows. "Are you okay?" Thomas asked him, concerned. Alex nodded, so Thomas began thrusting slowly, not wanting to hurt him. Alex pulled Thomas down for a heated kiss, while Thomas started moving faster.

"Damn it, Thomas, I'm-" Alex moaned. "Me too." Thomas breathed. Alex's legs started trembling as he gasped loudly as he came undone. Thomas rode out his high with him, until he pulled out and falling back against the pillows. Alex snuggled up to him, falling asleep almost instantly. Thomas laughed softly, kissing his forehead and closing his eyes.

=====The next morning, TIMES SKIP CAUSE I CAN MWAA HA AH====

"Daddy? I have a question." Mary said, eating her cereal. Alex smiled at her. "Go ahead sweetie." Mary stared at him. "Were you and Papa playing jungle without me yesterday?" she asked. Alex's brow furrowed. "No. Why did you think so?"  Mary tilted her head. "Because you were yelling and Papa was growling." 

Oh sh** I feel evil someone fetch me the holy water. 

Stay weird?

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