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Thomas sat up and blinked. He checked the clock beside his bed and sighed. It was 4:00am. And Alex was not asleep next to him. He stood and walked downstairs, to find his boyfriend hunched over the table, frantically writing. "Alex..." he reprimanded. Alex turned around. "Thomas, you should be asleep." Thomas rolled his eyes. "So should you. Remind me again, what was our arrangement?" "No work after midnight." Alex huffed. Thomas nodded. "That's right. Then how come you're out here writing instead of sleeping?" Alex sighed. "I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to wake you up." Thomas smiled and suddenly picked up Alex bridal style. "You are going to sleep if I have to knock you out and lock you inside." he teased, carrying him to their room. He lay down with Alex curled up against him and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. "Sleep," Thomas whispered, kissing his head gently. Alex shut his eyes. "I just can't. There's so many things on my mind." Thomas sat up and cradled Alex's head in his lap. He got out one of Alex's favorite books and began to read in a soft voice. Alex's eyes drooped. His head got heavier and Thomas smiled. Soon, Alex was snoring softly, his eyelids fluttering with each rise and fall of his chest. Thomas stared at his adorable boyfriend before he realized he wouldn't be able to lay down without waking him up. He slowly slid down so he was leaning against the headboard. He cupped the side of Alex's face and closed his eyes. Just when he started to drift off, he felt Alex stirring. He opened one eye and saw Alex frowning in his sleep, tossing and turning. He suddenly sat up with a little shout. He went to leave the room but Thomas quickly sat up. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. Alex went to answer but crumpled into sobs. Thomas wrapped his arms around the smaller man and slowly rocked back and forth, comforting him. "Nightmares.."Alex managed to say between tears. Thomas ran his hand through his hair. "You're okay. You're safe. I'm here, and I always will be" Alex looked up sniffling. "Really?" he asked, wiping his eyes. Thomas nodded. "I promise." 

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