Chapter 4: Foolish Plan

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Outskirts of Ari HareiThe White PlainsMid-Morning

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Outskirts of Ari Harei
The White Plains

   Alanis was right about the prince's love of the ride. She had missed him every time she tried to casually bump into him, losing him to some sort of riding ritual he took part in every morning.

   The stable boy, John, told her that the prince would come in just before sunrise and take his horse out for a ride—some days he'd ride for hours, others, he'd be out until nightfall. Nobody knew where he was going or what he was doing, nor did they care, but she did, if this man was somehow involved in the future of Terra she had to.

   She decided to take Trista out for an early ride on the fourth day of her stay, hoping she'd get a chance to talk to him—about what she did not know. She could talk to him about horses, but that conversation would die before it started, for she knew next to nothing about them. If she were brave enough she could always ask about the woman he was with the other day, Natalia. Yeah right, that would be a disaster, she thought as her feet slipped into the stirrups.

   Her hands lifted the reins and she brought Trista to a slow trot, ushering her to the stable entrance. She met with the cold, its familiar touch greeted her cheeks and exposed fingers, but her thoughts were elsewhere as her mount quickened pace. She didn't think it possible, but it felt great riding again. There was a certain rush she experienced by setting Trista to gallop, it was invigorating and freeing. She was finally in control.

   The morning sun cast upon her white cloaks, setting the shimmery cloth aglow with its mark. In that moment, she felt like an Oraur Lahre as she sped through the white, open plains. All she needed now was an intimidating weapon—a sword, like Lahre Sari to strike down her foes, then she'd be a true warrior of light.

   She traveled the full perimeter of Ati, searching for the prince, but neither he, or his midnight-mount were spotted. Her wrist flicked and the reins tightened, Trista stopped at the cusp of Furisre Sreuni. Alanis's eyes rose, scanning the tall trees ahead. The prince was nowhere to be found at the kingdom's edge, so wherever he had gone to was on the other side of this forest.

   These woods are filled with hidden dangers. Never venture them alone.

   She recalled the short warning that was given to her days before, as they journeyed through the forest. It was a warning she didn't need, just being near those towering trees made her feel on edge. But after a short argument with her better judgement she decided to take a stroll through the forest. She would keep fairly close to forest's edge, just in case she should lose her bearings.

"u'odvonti," she said with the flick of her wrist and Trista began to move, breaching past the first onslaught of trees.

   After a while, she dismounted and walked alongside Trista. It felt good to stretch her legs after such a lengthy ride, even the crunching debris beneath her feet sent pleasant vibrations through her calves.

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