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A/N: Hey guys, sorry I'm not updating that often. I've been having a rough few weeks but I just want to thank all of you for all the support on this and all my stories. Love you so much <3 And guys I WENT TO THE WORLD TOUR AND AHHHHHH IT WAS AMAZING!!!!

"Alex what are you doing here?" Tay asked. Shitshitshitshit. I completely forgot about her! But she wouldn't try anything, right? She did tell me that she was done with Alex.

"I uh, Vic he um... Audrey! I came to see Audrey! Yeah, Vic set it up, haha..." Alex finally got out. He stood up and faced her. I pouted when my pillow left and got up too. "Um...we're sort of together..." Alex added. Tay smiled.

"Oh, yeah I heard, Audrey mentioned you." Tay said. She was really nice and I like hanging out with her once in a while, but right now, I really just wished she would leave. Alex glanced at me and looked back.

"She did?" Tay nodded and I stepped next to Alex, taking his hand. "So, you two are touring together?"

"Yeah we are. So, how have you been?" Tay asked. I started tuning out their conversation and subtly death glared Tay. I wasn't jealous, I just wanted to hang out with Alex alone. It made it worse that they basically shut me out of the conversation. I know I was younger than them, but that doesn't mean I should be ignored. I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm, and Alex and Tay glanced at me.

"I interrupted you two..didn't I?" Tay asked. I was about to say yes but Alex cut me off.

"No, of course not. We have a few days together. It's nice to see you again, though." Alex said brightly. I glanced up at him, but he was looking at Tay and didn't notice. Tay nodded.

"Well, I think I'll let you two hang out. Nice to see you, too. I'll see you later Audrey!" Tay said as she finally turned to leave.

"See ya!" I called after her. Alex tugged my hand and pulled me back towards the pool.

"You didn't tell me you guys were on tour together." Alex said as we sat down again.

"You never asked. Is that bad?" He shrugged and shook his head.

"No, I don't care I just didn't want her making me look bad in front of my girlfriend." I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder again.

"You always look amazing to me."


I woke up the next morning back in my bed. Alex and I had fallen asleep on the hotel couch; someone must have brought me back there. I stretched and climbed out of the bed and looked through the rest of the hotel room. Dad's bedroom and the living room were empty, indicating that I was the last one up again.

I wandered outside and looked around for anyone I recognized. There weren't many people at the hotel other than us, but it still took a while for me to see anyone I knew. Eventually I heard Jaime laughing and followed the sound to an outdoor cafe near the pool where everyone from PTV was sitting having breakfast. Everyone except Dad.

"Hey, Kiddo, you slept late." Jaime said. I nodded and glanced around.

"Where's my dad? Is he not with you guys? He left before I got up." I asked. Mike nodded and pointed to the bus parked in the parking lot.

"He's talking to our manager about something. Why, are you okay?" He asked me, concerned. I nodded.

"Just wanted to yell at him for leaving me." I said with a smile. They laughed and I turned to head to the bus where Dad was.

"Wait! You aren't going to eat with us?" Jaime called after me.

"Nah, we can do something later." I answered. I heard Tony laugh and say something about Jaime getting rejected by a sixteen year old. I love these guys.

I walked towards the bus, looking around to see if I could find Alex. There were some other band members walking around and throwing footballs, but I couldn't find him. Instead, I went to our bus and was about to open the door when it swung open. Dad looked up at me from a clipboard he was holding and smiled.

"Hey, Hun', what's up?" He asked as he stepped out of the bus and walked past me.

"You left me this morning and I didn't know where you were." I pouted. I wasn't actually mad, and he knew that. He chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. I figured you'd find us eventually." I followed him to the trailer and watched as he opened it and looked through the gear.

"What are you even doing?" I asked. Vic wrote a few things on the clipboard and looked up at me.

"Some of the gear breaks or gets lost on tour so we have to replace it. I'm just seeing what we have left. What are you doing?" He asked. I laughed at him.

"You got stuck with the bitch work, huh?" Vic rolled his eyes and nudged my shoulder. "Haha, I'm looking for Alex. Did you kick him out last night?" He and I had been in the room I share with Dad when we fell asleep. I assumed it was Dad who brought me back into my room. Vic shook his head.

"No, he woke up a little after you fell asleep and put you in your room. He left on his own after that." Vic said, and paused. "I would have though." I smirked. I thought it was funny how protective he was.

"Yeah, okay... Anyway, have you seen him?" Vic shrugged.

"Um, yeah. I think I saw him with Tay earlier at her band's bus." He said casually. I froze. He was with Tay? Again? Hadn't they caught up enough yesterday? Vic looked up at me. "What?" I must have looked pretty confused because that's just how I felt.

"With Tay? Tay Jardine?" He nodded and I swallowed.

"Why is that so important?" I shook out of my trance and looked at Dad like he was crazy.

"You do know they went out before, right?" Vic furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. I groaned. I'll admit it, I was getting jealous. Honestly, I had no problem with Alex and Tay staying friends; in fact, I would rather them be friends than enemies. But right now, I wasn't okay with them being alone together. I turned and hurried over to the WATIC bus, hoping they were playing video games or something.

I wasn't sure if I should knock or not. If they were doing something that they shouldn't be doing then I wanted to catch them. But how would it look if I just barged in there uninvited to find them listening to music and hanging out? I didn't get the chance to decide because Jordan came up next to me.

"Hey, Audrey, come hang out." He opened the door and I followed him in. I didn't see Tay or Alex as I walked in, but heard talking in the back lounge. I was about to sneak back there and check it out but stopped. "Wanna play COD?" Jordan asked before I could go anywhere.

"Uh, yeah sure." I said and sat down next to him. He started setting up the game, but every time I heard Alex or Tay's voice it elevated my anxiety. I was chewing on my lip and twiddling my thumbs in my lap. I needed an excuse to go back there. "Um...bathroom..." I said and swiftly got up and headed back. Jordan barely even noticed and couldn't see me in the bunk area anyway.  I crept up to the closed door to the back lounge and listened in. Call me nosy, but I couldn't help it.

"Yeah, sounds good." Alex said. There was a pause before he continued. "I gotta say...I wasn't expecting you." He said. I cocked my head in confusion. That was a weird thing to say... They talked too quietly for me to hear them for a moment until I heard Tay.

"I can't stop thinking about you." Oh no...

"I can't let you go." It was Alex again. That was enough for me. I felt tears pricking at my eyes and I knew I was going to break down if I couldn't get out of there.

"Kiss me again!"

I gasped quietly and felt my heart break. I turned and bolted out through the front lounge and left the bus. I couldn't believe it. He went back to her. He went back to Tay! I couldn't breathe. I needed Dad. I ran back to our bus which a few buses down from WATIC's. I burst through the door and climbed in.

"Audrey? Sweetheart, what's wrong!?" Dad asked. He jumped up and came over too me. I fell into his arms, sobbing. "What happened?" He asked me again as he brought me to the couch.

"H-He...he..." I started between sobs. Vic kissed the side of my head and hugged me.

"He what?" He asked softly.

"H-He's cheating on m-me."

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