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Hey :)



Why won't you answer meee?

Are you mad?

Fine I admit it

I ate the cake that was in your fridge

I'm sorry :(

I sighed and locked my phone. I hadn't responded to Alex all day and I was sick of him acting like everything was okay. It's not. It's totally and completely fucking not okay. He's probably banging Tay right now. If he really wanted to see me he would come over to our bus and found me. My phone vibrated again and I gave up. I didn't even look at it before chucking it across the room.

"Hey, the phone didn't do anything wrong." Vic said, rubbing my back. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to say anything because I knew I would break down if I did.

"Sweetheart, are you sure that was Alex talking to Ta--"

"Yes, I'm sure." I cut him off. He sighed. "And yes I know what I heard." I muttered for the millionth time. Vic was denying that Alex would do that to me, but I knew he was only acting like that for me. He would yell at him and overreact later.

"Listen, maybe you could just talk to him about it an--" Vic started as he reached for my phone.

"No Dad!" I snapped. He looked surprised and maybe annoyed that I cut him off again. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "I can't talk to him. I can barely talk. I can't do this anymore. Something always happens with everyone. I...I hate him!" I cried and covered my face with my hands. Vic pulled me too him and kissed my forehead.

"I know, I'm sorry. It hurts, but you're going to be okay." He comforted. I snapped my head up.

"No you don't know! You don't know what it's like to lose someone you love!" Vic looked hurt and I realized what I said sounded horrible. I dropped my head. "I'm sorry." I said. He sighed and hugged me again.

"It's okay." I shook my head.

"No, I shouldn't have said that." Vic rubbed my arm.

"You're hurting, it's okay. It always feels like that when you lose someone." I burrows my face in his shoulder and groaned.

"What am I going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know, Hun'." I heard my phone vibrate again. "But you need to decide soon, he's on his way over here." I snapped my head up again as panic rose in me. "He's going to come over here and then check your room." I shook my head.

"No, no no no Daddy I can't see him. I can't talk to him right now!" I cried. He nodded.

"Okay, go back to your bunk and I'll get rid of him." I heard a knock on the bus door and jumped up. He got here really quick. I turned and ran back to the bunk room and shut the door. I listened through the door as Vic let Alex onto the bus.

"Alex." Vic said as he opened the door.

"Hey, man! What's up?" Alex asked coolly.

"Not much." Vic said. He definitely didn't sound happy right now, but still didn't mention anything.

"Cool, so do you know where Audrey is? Is she here? She's ignoring me."

"Huh. I wonder why." Vic muttered. I could here the sarcasm in his voice as he said it.

"Yeah, that's why I want to talk to her. Do you know if she's mad at me?"

"Well she's not here." Vic said. I could here him walking around, probably pacing in front of Alex with his arms crossed like some scene from the Godfather or something. "As for why she's mad at you, well, I think you should know." Vic snapped.

"W-What?" Alex stuttered. It was so cute when he did that... Wait, it's not anymore, snap out of it Audrey. "Vic, what's going on? Where's Audrey?"

"Probably crying over the fact that you broke her heart!" Vic yelled.

"What!? Vic what the hell are you talking about? What did Audrey tell you?"

"She heard you and Tay talking and didn't like what she heard. Frankly, I didn't like it either." Vic sighed. "God dammit, I told you Alex, I told you. She can't take something like this again! You meant so much to her and you just threw it away!"

"Vic what did she hear!?" Alex yelled.

"She heard enough to know that you're cheating on her with Tay!" There was a pause and I waited.

"Vic." Alex said much more calmly. "I would never do that! You know I would never do that!" He said, and I almost believed him for a second. I probably would have too if I hadn't heard exactly what he had said. Dad wouldn't though. He never really wanted Alex and I together in the first place. He would side with me.

"Oh, save it Alex, I know you two dated."

"Yes, and I'm not denying that; but Vic I dumped her and I kissed Audrey first. I could never hurt her. I-I love her." That was not a good thing to say. Whether it helped his case or not, Vic was always really touchy with people who showed affection for me, especially when it came to telling me they loved me. No one said anything for a moment and I could only imagine the rage on Vic's face when Alex said that. Then a loud clap.

"Ahh, shit!" Alex screamed.

"You need to get out of here and leave my daughter alone. If you bother her again, I won't stop there. And take your trashy girl with you." I heard Alex stumbling and then the door shut. Vic sighed and I opened the door.

"Is he gone?" I asked. Vic spun around to face me and nodded. He glanced down at his hand which he was cradling in the other. "You punched him?" Vic nodded and looked up at me. He was worried I would be mad. I hated when violence was used against people, but in this case, I couldn't be more thankful that Dad was here. I ran over and hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you."

Vic's POV

Audrey was going to bed and everyone else was in their respective hotel rooms. I wasn't tired yet and just looking through my social media feeds. My phone vibrated in my hand and I clicked on the message. It was an mp3 file from Alex.


Can we talk? I think this is what Audrey heard.

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