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Audrey's POV

"Never have I ever..." I started, tapping my chin as I thought. "Seen Titanic." I said. My phone was propped up against my pillows and Alex's face filled up the FaceTime screen. His eyes grew wide and he dropped his jaw.

"You've never seen Titanic!?" He asked in shock. I shrugged and shook my head. He sighed and put down a finger. "We'll have to fix that someday..." I laughed and nodded. "Anyway, never have I ever..." He started glancing around. His eyes then settled back on me and he smiled. "Dated someone as beautiful as you." He said sweetly. I felt my cheeks get hot and looked down. I glanced back up at his adorable face and put a finger down. Alex pouted at that and I giggled.

"Just so you know, I've never had a boyfriend before you." I said just so he knew I meant him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, stop lying about my looks." He muttered. I shook my head.

"Alex, you're adorable shut up!" He chuckled and just stared at me for a little while. I bit my lip and shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. It was hard to tell what he was looking at with the camera, but I was pretty sure I knew. I tugged my sleeves down a little, covering my bandages, and Alex sighed.

"Hey." He said. I looked up and he smiled. "You're perfect. You don't need to change; I don't want you to change." I smiled weakly. No matter how I was feeling, Alex always knew what to say to make me feel better.

"When are you getting off tour?" I asked, desperate to see him again.

"Not until December, but we're going to Europe right after that." He said. I pouted, knowing that it would probably be almost a year before I saw Alex again in person. "We'll be okay, don't worry." He said, reading my mind. I nodded and smiled half-heartedly. I knew we would be, but it was hard when I never got to see him.

"Audrey?" Dad called from the front lounge. I was about to say something, but he cut me off. Instead I sighed and looked back to Alex.

"I gotta go; they're going on soon." I explained. Alex nodded.

"Call me soon, okay?" He demanded.

"Yeah, I will. I'll see you later, kay?"

"Kay, bye Babe." He said.

"Bye." I hit the end button and slid out of my bunk, bringing my phone with me. The guys were congregated at the front of the bus and Vic looked up from his phone when I walked in. "Hi." I muttered.

"Hey, what were you up to?" Vic asked, smiling.

"FaceTiming Alex..." I said, blushing slightly. I knew Vic was still a little uncomfortable with me and Alex, but lately he just teased me about it. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Ugh, my competition..." He mocked. I nudged him and the rest of us filed out of the bus, heading into the venue. We could hear the fans chanting before we even got in, and it just amplified as we went to the backstage area. "Audrey, we have a Bryanstars interview after the show back at the bus. Do you want to be there or...?" Vic asked. I looked up at him and my jaw dropped.

"Bryanstars!? Yes I want to be there!" Vic rolled his eyes slightly.

"You fangirl about YouTubers too?" I nodded furiously. Of course I fangirl about YouTubers! Who doesn't? "Alright well, have fun, be safe." He said. He kissed my head and picked up his guitar to tune it up. I turned and wandered around backstage. The guys were touring with Of Mice, Letlive and We Are The In Crowd, and I wanted to meet some new famous people.

As I meandered between empty storage rooms and secluded dressing rooms, I came across fewer and fewer people. Eventually I made a loop and heard what sounded like somebody coughing up their guts. It was the same sound as when Dad and Jaime warmed up their screaming voice, although I still couldn't help but cringe.

"Kinda weird, huh?" I heard from behind me. I spun around and looked up at who I knew to be Alan. I shrugged and nodded.

"I'm used to it by now." I explained. He smiled and came up to me.

"You're Audrey, right? As in Fuentes?" I nodded.

"And you're the infamous cinnamon stick as in Alan Ashby?" He chuckled and nodded.

"That's a new one." I grinned and he motioned for me to follow him. "I'm guessing you haven't met the rest of the band." He said. I followed him into the OMAM dressing room and everyone looked up from what they were doing. "Hey guys! I found this little munchkin lurking outside our room." Alan nodded back to me.

"For the record I wan't lurking, I was simply walking and got concerned when I thought someone was choking on a hairball." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at him.

"For the record, that may have been Sophie." He said, scooping up a black cat in the corner that I hadn't noticed. I laughed at the fact that he brought his cat. "By the way, could you keep an eye on her while we're playing?" I nodded and he let the cat jump out of his arms.

"Dude she's here to watch the show, not babysit your fucking cat." Phil yelled at Alan.

"Actually I'm here because I'm the new singer of OMAM. Where did you think Aaron was?" I joked, since Aaron wasn't even here. Alan put an arm around my shoulders.

"Guys, this is Vic's kid, Audrey." He explained. They all had a look of realization and got up. I got a bunch of 'hey's' and 'what's up's' and awkward bro hugs since I'm the approximate size of a bonsai tree. They all sat back down and Austin pulled me onto his lap.

"So how's touring with your dad?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It's fine...some of the fans don't like me though." I said. Alan made a face.

"Internet hate?" I nodded and he petted my shoulder. "They'll get over it. I get hate for dating Austin too, don't worry." I rolled my eyes and Austin punched his shoulder.

"Oh no, This is not going to be a regular thing." I heard at the door. I turned to see Vic giving me an unimpressed look. I mad an innocent looking face and cocked my head.

"What?" He motioned to the rest of the guys.

"Last time this happened you ended up dating Alex. You need friends your own age." Alan glanced at me.

"Wait Alex as in Gaskarth?" I nodded. "That's who he keeps tweeting so much!" He cried and leaned back into the couch. "I feel dumb." I poked his side.

"You are, you could have just looked at my page and looked at legit one picture I put on it." He shrugged and I got off of Austin's lap.

"We're going on in a minute, are you okay?" Vic asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, see you later."

"Okay, be ready for the interview as soon as it's over because we don't have a lot of time." I cocked my head.

"Please tell me you guys are going to shower before we see Bryan?" I begged. He shrugged.

"If we're lucky, but probably not. Okay bye!" He ran out before I could complain about their combined stench soon to come, and left me thinking about what my porn star name would be.

A/N: If you didn't get that last part then you obviously don't watch Bryanstars interviews and therefore have not lived. So go become alive and then come back. Bryan is perfect okay.

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