Twenty Four

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A/N: OKAY! So we're nearing the end here, probably only like one or two chapters after this one. I don't think there's going to be a sequel after this just because I sort of dragged it out enough but idk I might change my mind. If I do though it's going to be a while before I start it because there's other stories I want to write/continue working on. So here you go, let me know what you think!

Finally, everything was back to normal. We had spent a few more weeks off tour and went home to recuperate from everything that had happened. Dad had healed up almost completely; he still needed a little help with a few things, but he was doing better.

I was doing better too. Everything had healed and I had gained a little weight after being starved almost to death. The only parts that still needed some time were my wrists and ankles. The heavy cuffs that were attached to me had worn down my skin almost to the bone. That, and the fact that my anxiety attacks had gotten a lot worse. I felt almost like I was being watched every second of the day. I wouldn't go anywhere without Dad or one of the other guys, sometimes Nate.

I knew that after they had gotten me out of that horrible place, a whole team of investigators broke in and shut down the human trafficking and slave organization that had been going on. It was in the news and everything. To sum it up there was no real risk of those men finding me again. Regardless, I was still clinging to Dad.

After taking some time to heal up and recover, we were right back on tour. It was as if I had never been kidnapped in some ways. We all fell right back into our old routines for the most part. I liked that, I craved that. Although before I had been kidnapped I was a total mess, after being locked away for so long it made me really come to appreciate all the things I had. It gave me a lot of time to think and make a plan for how to start myself on a path to recovery. I mean, it was the only way to keep myself from completely giving up in there.

That's not to say that I'm doing a whole lot better, though. I still have those days--most days, actually--where I start bringing myself down and remembering all the shit that's happened and continues to occur all around me. I have still had to deal with avoiding Alex these first few days back on tour, not to mention worrying about Dad just as much as he's worrying about me. When I first came home we were pretty honest with each other. He told me that he got to a really low point and started cutting again and I told him that I wanted to do a lot worse while I was there--that sometimes I still wanted to. I hoped that this would all change for the both of us in time.

In the time I was gone, Vic had gotten really close with that girl he chased after--also named Danielle, and they had set up her friend Erin with Tony. As much as I liked Vic's first Danielle, this Danielle was better. She had been a real big support for Vic while he was trying to find me, and they had actually worked together before on a music video. Apparently, they had caught up a little and become really close. I was happy for him since he had been so upset after Dani number one had died.

These thoughts kept running through my head as Dad played his set with the guys. I sat on the bench with Nate as they played their last song for the night. I was exhausted and really just wanted to go back to the bus.

"I know I say this every night but they're really good!" Nate exclaimed, his eyes glued to the stage. I nodded and laughed at him. I guess the excitement of seeing them had kind of worn off of me by now. "Don't you think the set would be better from down in the crowd though?" He asked, craning his neck to see better. I shrugged.

"Maybe, I don't know." I said, yawning a little. I really was tired; it had been a long day. Nate gave me a funny look.

"You mean you've never watched a show from the crowd before?" I shrugged again and shook my head. Even before I had met the guys and found out I was Vic's daughter I was always way too scared to be alone in the crowd like that.

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