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A/N: Hey guys! I changed the name of this story to "Pinky Promise" because I felt like it so yeah haha enjoy!

Vic's POV

"Come on I'll pay you!" I begged the police officer. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Vic, but at this point we have no leads and no more time to spend on this case." I sighed in defeat and he put his hand on my shoulder. "I hope you find her." I nodded and pushed his hand away. They were stopping the search and I was willing to do anything to keep them going. I was ready to turn and leave when the door to the station swung open. I looked up and saw Alex standing there panting. I looked him up and down, wondering why he was so out of breath. He had his lap top clutched in one hand and the other was pressed against the door, holding it open.

"Alex...what are you doing here? The case is cold there's nothing to go on--"

"No it's not." He cut me off. He stumbled over to me, still breathing heavily and opened his lap top. It was open to an email from someone I had never heard of.

"What's this?" I asked, taking the computer so I could read what it said. My eyes scanned over the words quickly and then went wide. "Wait...wha--"

"They know where she is! Vic we can get her back!" Alex said excitedly. I reread the email and he was right, it sounded like a legit offer to help.

"Oh my god..." I said softly, unable to believe it. I could get my daughter back. I could save her!

"Let us take a look at that. We can check to see if it's a reliable tip or if it's fake." The officer beside me said. He took the lap top from me and I let him. I turned to Alex, tears filling my eyes. They fell and I quickly wiped them away. Alex smiled widely and patted my shoulder.

"We're going to get her back, Vic. Everything's going to be okay."

Audrey's POV

Everything is not okay.

I sat staring at Nate who wore an apologetic look. My stomach dropped and I felt stiff. As soon as he said that my whole world collapsed.


I'm being sold tomorrow.

"That's why they wouldn't let me come feed you. They want you as weak as possible for the transfer. You know, since you could like escape while they're taking you away." He said. I scoffed.

"Mission accomplished." I said bitterly. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to warm my chilled body. I coughed a few times and groaned at my pounding head. Everything hurt and I felt like shit. Nate crouched next to me, looking concerned.

"Here." He said, pulling his sweatshirt off and handing it to me. I smiled and pulled it on.

"Thanks." I sighed and leaned back against the wall. The thin jacket didn't keep me very warm, but I did my best to ignore the cold. I was used to it by now anyway.

The room around me seemed so small. I was locked in an eight by twelve foot cage and left to stare at the same scene for months. When I had first gotten here it looked so big and now it was like I could step one foot out of the cage door and be on the other side of the room standing right at that heavy metal door. Only I couldn't. The room seemed small, but so far away. For me it was a world away. This cage was an ocean that I could never cross.

Until tomorrow, I guess. I would have to leave this cell to get to this new place with this new guy. I should have been scared. I should have been terrified. But I wasn't. By this point I felt numb. I had accepted what was coming. Pain, hunger, probably death at some point. But I didn't care, I was already dead. There was nothing anyone could do to me at this point that could be worse.

I wished for a moment that it would all just end. That everything in me would shut down and I could escape into a peaceful darkness. It would be so easy. If only I could get out of this cage then it would be so easy to just let the knife slip. Anything. For a moment I wished death would just consume me.

But just for a moment.

For some reason I couldn't blow out the fire. Just that one little spark of hope flickered in my heart and I couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard I tried. I ached to be back with Dad, but I knew that was never going to happen. If he hadn't come yet, then what would make me expect that I would ever get out of here? Months I've been in here. Months I've been beaten, raped, and starved. How could I have anything left to hope for?

"Hey?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Nate spoke. I glanced over at him and he looked concerned. He reached for me and I flinched back. I relaxed, though when I remembered who Nate was. The only one in here I trusted. The only one that I felt something for; who I cared for.

He ran his thumb under my eye and brushed away the tears I didn't realize were falling. He dried my tears, but didn't move his hand away.  He tilted my chin up so I would look at him and he smiled warmly at me. He leaned forward slightly, but hesitated. I looked at him curiously and waited for him to do something. He looked away and seemed nervous, though I didn't know why.

"What?" I asked softly, since he was sitting so close. Nate looked back up at me and leaned into me, kissing me quickly before pulling me into a hug.

"You're going to get out of here, Audrey. I promise." I relaxed against him and hugged him back. There was something in his voice that reassured me. Something that reminded me that I couldn't give up. I promised Dad, I promised Alex. I promised myself.

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