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A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading this and giving me your feed back. I really appreciate all the support and I love you all soooooo much! You're all incredible people never forget that!

Audrey's POV

"I'm Nate." He said. He handed me what I had been wearing and I quickly put it back on. Nate was staring at the ground but slowly looked up at me, confused by my silence. "What's your name?" He asked quietly. My mouth hung open and I was at a loss for words. I don't think I had actually spoken in days.

"Au-Audrey." I said in a raspy voice. The word caught in my throat and I coughed a few times.

"Here." Nate said getting up quickly. He rushed to the small cabinet on the outside of my cage and brought back a cup of water. "This should help." I took it tentatively and glanced into it. I was always uneasy about the food and water they gave me. "It's just water. If they wanted you dead they have easier ways of killing you." Nate said. I snapped my head up to look at him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..." He said, sighing.

"Are they...going to?" I asked. Nate shrugged as he sat back down next to me.

"They might...eventually they will if you're here that long." I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion.

"Here that long?" I asked. He nodded.

"If you escape or something." He said casually. I nodded slightly and looked down. I knew that wasn't going to happen. I wasn't strong enough to do much at this point. I was thin and weak--starving really.

I stared at Nate but he didn't look at me. I had so many questions. Why had he been so nice to me? Why was he even here? I heard him chuckle and realized that he saw me watching him. I looked away, blushing.

"I don't want to hurt you Audrey." He said, giving me a concerned look.

"Is that why you didn't..." I started, referencing moments before when he was basically ordered to rape me. He nodded.

"It's disgusting what they do here." He said. He looked like he was thinking about something but I didn't know what. "Can't believe I was born into this business..." He sighed. I stared at him for a moment. Born into this?

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Nate looked up at me with his lips slightly parted like he was about to answer me. But before he could say anything there was the sound of a door slamming and footsteps coming closer.

"If they ask, I did exactly what they do to you." He rushed out quietly to me before messing up his hair and clothes a little and roughly pushing me back so I was lying on the floor. McCarther walked up to the bars of the cage as Nate stood up to confront him. McCarther took one look at me as I was still on the floor recovering from being shoved, and looked back to Nate.

"Good work...boy." He said harshly and pulled Nate with him out of the cage. Nate stumbled along behind McCarther but glanced back and shot me an apologetic look. I watched as the two left and I heard the same door open and slam shut. I shivered as a cold gust of air blew past me. It always felt like there was a window open somewhere in here. I felt so alone; like I was stranded on a deserted island. But as horrible as it was, having Nate to talk to felt really good. I still wished I could just get out of here though.

Vic's POV

"I'm never gonna get her back what the hell do I do!?" I sobbed. My throat was killing me and my vision was blurred with my tears.

"Shh, sweetie we'll find her." Dani cooed as she squeezed my shoulder. I buried my face in her neck crying like a fucking baby.

Audrey had been gone for two full weeks and I couldn't even keep myself together anymore. Dani and I had gotten close--or at least as close as someone can get to a father currently going through the worst sort of mid-life crisis imaginable. It helped to have her--I really did like her--but without Audrey I felt like my entire world had ended. I felt like nothing was being done to find her. I felt useless.

Nothing was working. The police tried tracking her phone, but couldn't get a solid signal. They sent out search parties to break up any well-known gangs in the area who were all possible suspects. We even explained what happened on all of our social networking accounts to see if anyone had found her. Nothing.

"What if she's d-dead?" I choked out. Dani shut her eyes and shook her head.

"Vic don't think like that." She told me, pulling me closer. "We're going to find her and she's going to be just fine." I looked up at her and I knew she was only saying that to make me feel better.

I couldn't take this anymore. My daughter had been kidnapped and all I was doing was sitting here crying to my girlfriend about it. I was such a horrible father. My daughter went her whole life without me and I only showed up after her mother died. She got raped because I didn't even notice she had been gone too long and got her heart broken by the boy I had been stupid enough to trust with her. Now she was gone and it was all my fault. How could I be such a horrible person? I was killing my daughter and I couldn't even help it.

I sniffed and pulled away from Dani. She gave me a confused look as I stood up from the hotel couch.

"I'm gonna try to sleep." I said softly, trying not to worry her.

"I'll go with you." She started getting up but I shook my head.

"No! I...I kinda need some time alone..." I told her. It was a lie. Being alone was the last thing I needed. I needed Audrey. I needed someone to stop me from what I was about to do.

"Oh...alright. Let me know if you need anything okay?" Dani said, nodding. She smiled at me but looked concerned. I just nodded back and left to go to my bedroom.

I collapsed on my bed in a mess of tears. I had lost control of everything. My daughter was gone. She was just gone. I didn't know what else to do. She would hate me. She deserves a better father. She deserves anyone who isn't me.

I pulled my nightstand drawer open and searched through all the stuff in it. Finally I found the blade and was quick to cut into my wrist. I seethed as the sharp metal stung my skin. But at the same time it felt so good.

She would be so mad. She would hate me for doing this. But I deserved this. It's my fault she's gone. It's my fault she keeps getting hurt. I need to hurt.

I cut again and again until I just couldn't think anymore. I dropped the blade and it landed with a soft tap on the floor. My hands were shaking and covered in blood. I looked up at the ceiling and shut my eyes.

I shouldn't have done that. I promised her I would stop. I said that I would be okay. But without her, I could never be okay.

"I'm sorry Audrey..." I sighed. "I tried."

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