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Audrey's POV

Two of them stood in front of me, staring through the bars of the cage. McCarther and Johnson. McCarther's cold hard glare gave me shivers but I glared right back at him. His eyebrows were furrowed together and his nose was slightly crinkled up as he narrowed his eyes at me and scowled. I mimicked him as he started pacing in front of me.

I wasn't even scared of him anymore. That's a lie, I was still terrified of him, and the other two. But I told myself I wasn't scared. It was easier that way.

Soon I heard a commotion headed in our direction. But something was different...there were two sets of voices. One of them I recognized as Conty, the third of the men. The other voice sounded younger. As they came closer I pinned the new voice as the younger person who had been in the car when I was being kidnapped. The one who had knocked me out, the second time at least.

Out of the darkness Conty waltzed up to the bars of the cage dragging a boy behind him. This was the boy I had been hearing about as far as I could guess. In the light given off by the light bulb hanging in my cage I could see he was tall and lanky. Dirty blond hair and brown eyes. But he wasn't like the other three.

He was young.

Like really young. He looked to be about my age. Had he been kidnapped too? I had no idea if he was with these men or not, but he had obviously been resisting Conty. Conty had held the boy tightly by the upper arm when they got here like the boy didn't want to be here. But now he was calm, his eyes fixated on me. In fact we had held eye contact the whole time. He looked at me almost in awe as McCarther unlocked my cell door.

The clanging of the keys in the lock was sharp against the otherwise silent room. The boy looked away from me as he watched McCarther enter the cage and walk up to me. He squared in front of me with a disgusting smirk on his face. I tightened my grip around the chains holding me back. He let out a long breath that smelled like whiskey and cigarettes, blowing it in my face.

"Do you miss your daddy sweetheart? Because it seems like he doesn't miss you." He said in a sickeningly sweet voice. I clenched my fists tighter and he heard the rattling of the chains. He chuckled sourly and scratched at his chin. "If you're good to us maybe we'll bring him here and he can stay with us." I squinted at him and seethed. Without thinking I swirled my tongue around in my mouth and brought the saliva into a big goo ball and spat it right in his face.

"Ugh! You little bitch!" He snapped. He wiped off his face as he stood up and slammed his boot into my stomach. I coughed as the air was forced out of my lungs. I heard a short gasp--only it wasn't mine. I looked up and the boy was staring at me looking surprised. McCarther looked at him too.

"Kid, you wanna see what happens when the sluts misbehave?" Amusement lacing his voice. The boy didn't answer but flicked his eyes from me to him and back to me. I looked up and McCarther was staring down at me. Suddenly the fear rose in me again. I shouldn't have done that. I should have kept my mouth shut. I recoiled as he reached down and pulled at my clothes.

"Wait!" Someone jumped in. I looked up and Conty had a smirk on his face. He shoved the kid forward through the door of the cell. McCarther gave him a confused look. "Make the boy do it. Kid's gotta grow some balls at some point." Conty continued. McCarther grinned and nodded, pulling the hesitant-looking boy towards us. I looked up at him, waiting for something to happen. He just stared down at me, but something was off about him. He didn't have that evil look in his eyes like the other three did.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Have at her!" McCarther snapped. The boy looked away from me and over at McCarther.

"Y-you mean...?" He asked, trailing off. He motioned to me and McCarther nodded.

"Yeah I told you what to do now get to it before I beat your ass again!" The boy got this frightened look in his eye and quickly dropped to the floor next to me. He paused for a second before sighing and reaching towards me, only it wasn't to tear off my clothes--or lingerie. The men had taken my clothes and forced me to wear the most revealing attire they could find.

The boy's hand trailed down my shoulder in almost a comforting way at first. It was a subtle touch and I looked at him, confused by his gentleness. But he quickly moved forward, blocking my view of the other three, or rather, their view of me. The boy slipped off the scant amount of clothing covering me and pushed me down until my back hit the floor just as it had what seemed like a thousand times. Only this was different. He was so gentle and cautious. He leaned in close to my face and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me.

"Sorry for this." He said softly so the other three wouldn't hear him. I shut my eyes and braces myself for the discomfort as I heard him unzip his jeans. But just as I thought he was going to start I heard footsteps walking away from the cage and the boy's weight lifted from my chest. After a moment I opened my eyes cautiously to see that the boy had sat up and gotten off of me.

"I'm Nate."

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