Chapter 4

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The first day of the Louds' vacation was something else. Their son, Lincoln, had just piloted the test model of a giant robot. What was really a surprising was how good he was at doing it, like it was child's play. It had managed to impress both them and the inventor of the robot, Akimi. She felt, as ridiculous as it might seem, that she had managed to find herself the pilot that she has been looking for. One with skill and a good attitude, compared to McCoy. Speaking of whom, he wasn't exactly so found of what he witnessed the other day. A little kid outshines him at piloting a robot, he would not have it. When Akimi had asked Lincoln to return the next day, he was surprised to see Emil there, waiting for him...

Emil:"You know, I gotta admit...that was some pretty good piloting you did the other day."

Lincoln:"Thanks! I think I even managed to surprise myself."

Emil:"Yeah, I would say that you may have a future of being a pilot."

Lincoln:"Oh? Well, I wouldn't know about that..."

Emil:"But I'm gonna have to ask you to stop this."


Emil:"Stop all of this. Stop trying to be a pilot for this tin can. In case you haven't noticed, that's my job."

Lincoln:"Well...I know that, but-"

Emil:"And besides, it's not like anyone's gonna take seriously the fact that a little boy is piloting a giant robot."

Lincoln:"...Well, I guess they're just gonna have to be in for a surprise too then."

After hearing that, Emil glared at him angrily...

Emil:"Didn't you hear what I told you to do? I told you to drop this whole thing. You're never gonna be as good as a pilot as me."

Lincoln:"I'm not trying to be as good as you! In fact, from what Akimi told me, you suck as piloting this thing!"

Emil:"It's only because her design is pathetic!"

Lincoln:"Then how was I able to figure it out so easily?"

It was then that Lincoln was caught off guard by McCoy grabbing hold of his shirt and pulling him up, off the ground. He saw the man glaring daggers at him, looking like he almost wanted to kill Lincoln...

Emil:"You listen, and you listen good. I worked my butt off to get this job so that people could finally recognize me as the hero that I'm meant to be. All the fame, all the glory, it's bound to be mine! And if I have to learn how to pilot this stupid thing, then so be it. It's my time, and I'm not gonna a little kid ruin all my hard work!"

Lincoln was getting horrified at the moment, that he couldn't say anything back, as Emil through him to the ground. He struggled to get up as he saw McCoy walk away...

Lincoln:"You''re nothing but a jerk and a creep! I'll tell everyone about you, let them know who you are!"

Emil:"(Laughs) No one's gonna take you seriously, kid. It'll just sound like a stupid joke. You'll be a laughingstock while I recognized as the hero I'm bound to be!"

Lincoln managed to get back up on his feet as Emil was leaving the room, turning at him one more time...

Emil:"And if you're any smart, you'll do what I say and stop this piloting nonsense."

As he left the room, Lincoln took this as his opportunity to go look for Akimi...

The robot inventor herself was actually with Lincoln's little sister, Lisa, at the moment. They were looking of the speculations of the mech, finding what can be upgraded or improved upon. Lisa still couldn't believe that she was working on a project this big in her life. She had so many questions, but didn't want to pester Akimi too much about it...

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