Chapter 7

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Back at the hotel, Lincoln laid in bed, upset at his family. He kept telling them he wasn't doing it for money, fame or any of that. He did it because it was the right thing had do. Someone had to and there was no one else with the skills or the prowess to do what he did. But his family wouldn't listen. It's not that they didn't understand, but they didn't want their little boy to be risking his life the way he did. They just couldn't get through to him though...



Rita:"Lincoln, you don't have to be this way. There's no reason for you to be upset. How about Lisa builds a robot just for you, and-?"

Lincoln:"Not interested."

Lisa:"Oh. Well, there goes that plan."

Lincoln:"1, it wouldn't be the same. 2, everything Lisa does blows up in her face!"

Lisa:"That is-!"

Lincoln:"(glares at her)"


Lincoln:"And 3, I wasn't doing that for fun! I don't want to ride a giant robot like it's some game! I know it's not a game! It's a huge responsibility! But you guys saw that I could handle it! Much better than that Emil guy did!"


Lincoln:"Save it! I already know! And I just don't want to talk about it anymore!"

And with that, Lincoln turned on the TV to try and get his mind of the whole thing, as well as try ignore his family, who were still desperately trying to get to him. The TV showed news about the military was busy recovering the remains the Raiju. And Lincoln tried to focus all his attention on it, the rest of the Louds stayed outside in the living room, watching the same thing on the TV there. But out of frustration, Rita turned it off.

Rita:"Ugh, this is ridiculous! Why all this crazy talk about doing what's right by dealing with giant monsters?! This shouldn't have to be a thing Lincoln is concerned about! He had his whole life ahead of him, and yet, he's willing to put the weight of a mountain on his back!"

Leni:"That would be really heavy."

Lori:"Just to clarify, Leni, she's talking about the responsibilities Lincoln would have being robot pilot."


Rita:"Well, Lincoln is NOT going to be a pilot! And we're going to make sure of that!"

Lynn:"I say we have Lincoln go through summer school, do all our chores and have no games, comics or TV for the rest of summer."

Lucy:"That's a bit harsh, Lynn."

Lynn:"Hey, Lincoln has it coming! I mean, even I wouldn't do something as stupid as to get into a giant robot during a monster battle."

Sisters:"(-_-)...Yeah, you would."

Lynn:"(laughs) Yeah, I totally would."

Rita:"But, none of that is going to happen to ANY of you!"

Lucy:"Still, I don't think Lincoln should be punished that severely."

Luna:"Luce, think about it. If anything happens to our bro, it would be on us and we would be able to forgive ourselves. Just you wait, once we get home, all of this is gonna blow over and everything will return to normal."

Lynn:"But Lincoln still needs to punished either way."

Luna:"And it's the only way he'll get over it."

Lucy:"Sigh. I needs some air."

Heading for the door, Lucy opens it, but is soon surprised to see a bunch of pre-teen girls with papers and pens, roaring loudly and asking questions about Lincoln. Lucy couldn't hold them off, but thankfully, Luan was then to push the tide back.

Luan:"And stay out, you crazies! (Slams door close) Whew. Last thing our brother needs is deal with all that."

Lynn:"Eh, I don't know. Maybe being a chick magnet wouldn't be so bad for Lincoln."

Luan:"True. Definitely better than being a chick repellent than how he usually is."

That family groans at that stupid joke.

Meanwhile, with Akimi, back at the base, she was busy practicing her swordsmanship. But as she did so, the thought of Lincoln was on her. Lincoln was an incredible pilot, but even a better friend. She knows she could never have him as a pilot right now, but she feared that the skills that he had would be waisted if they're never put to good use. Still, there was nothing she could do about it. She only hoped that the boy had a bright future.

But as she was lost in thought, Emil suddenly came in, looking rather happy with a weird looking smile on his face. It surprised Akimi, considering she expected to be upset about what happened...

Akimi:"What's got you looking happy? Thought you'd be mad that your chance of fame was stolen from you."

Emil:"At first. But then, I did some thinking and realized that there are other chances out there for me."

Akimi:"Good luck with that. But if it's any consolation, Lincoln is going to go back to America soon. You won't see him ever again and...will no doubt be allowed back in."

Emil:" really care about that boy, do you?"

Akimi:"... I've only known him a few days, and yet, he feels like family to me...And I haven't had that in a while."

Emil:"Well, if you want a family...(takes her hand) I could help you with that."

Not hesitating at all, Akimi punches him in the face, knocking him to the floor. Emil grasps his nose and feels blood coming out while Akimi stared down at him, tightly gripping the sword in her hand.

Akimi:"Sick freak! I may be stuck with you as partner in this operation, but I will never be swayed by your perverted nature!"

Getting back on his feet, Emil glared at Akimi, who glares back as McCoy made his leave. But he headed out the door, he turns to Akimi once more...

Emil:"Just remember...when that boy's out of the picture...I'm back in, whether you like it our not."

Akimi:"I'm fully aware of that. But now, just get out."

And with that, Emil leaves the room. But when he's a safe distance, he smirks and brings out his phone...

Emil:"The boy will be leaving soon. Have the package ready at the airport. Have him realize what happens when you steal someone's golden moment."

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