Chapter 16

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Back at Akimi's place, both she and Lincoln were in a lab-in-the-making, so to speak. Currently, both were looking at upon what is best to be considered a "hatchling Kaiju", and that Kaiju just happens to be one of Lincoln's little sister. Lily, in her lizard-like form, was acting rather excitingly inside a sphere-shaped containment capsule, looking around, moving as much as she could within the little space she was in, acting with a bit of mixture between animal and child as both Kaiju Destroyer pilots looked at with curiosity.

Akimi:" unprecedented. Never in my life have encountered such an experiment as this form of cross-species genetics."

Lincoln:"I don't want to believe it. But this is actually her. My sister, Lily...turned into a monster."

He puts his hand against the capsule, and Lily, despite the way she was, seemed 'herself' enough to do the same, mirroring Lincoln's action.

Lincoln:"...I'm so sorry, Lily."

Lily:"(snarls) Rrrrinkin!"

Akimi:"No need to be so sad. With any luck, we can find a cure, reverse what's happened-"

Lincoln:"Don't...get my hopes up, Akimi. You said it youself, you've never seen anything like this before..."

It ate her up badly, seeing her protégé and adopted family member feeling hopeless about this, but Akimi couldn't blame Lincoln for feeling this way. All has happened so fast, becoming a pilot to a mech, losing his family, fighting monsters. This was no life for a little boy, and Akimi would not want to force this on him. Sighing, Lincoln decided to head out of the lab and upstairs.

Lincoln:"...Just do what you can to make her comfortable."

Seeing the one person she seemed to recognize leave, the creature that was once Lily Loud tilted its head in confusion, before looking sadly at Akimi.

Akimi:"...J-Just...give him time. Okay? Now, I'm gonna get you out of here, but promise not to scurry off on me."

She was entirely sure if Lily could follow a conversation now; even as a baby Kaiju, she was still just a baby. But to her, this was grist for the mill. Seeing a surviving family member of Lincoln's family turned into a beast, most likely to be used for destructive purposes, was enough to drive Akimi's hatred towards the perpetrators even deeper, as who was to blame was quite obvious.

Akimi:"(growls) McCoy..."

?:"Have you had time to recover the missing experiment?"

Worker:"No, sir. It jumped off the radar when it got into the city. Perhaps the fight with Nagamaki's mech and the Deka-Mido have something to do with it.

?:"Expedetly so. Route scanners to energy pulse signals and keep looking. We need to ensure that every assest of ours is contained and under control."

The shadowy figure's orders were interrupted by the snarky pilot, McCoy, showing up and stomping into the room, not looking too happy.

McCoy:"That pathetic lump of clay you had me control was easily destroyed Nagamaki and that albino runt! You promised that we would have them both wiped off the map!"

?:"Patience, Mr. McCoy, patience. Deka-Mido was only a prototype to use for field testing purposes. Surely, you know what this is like, being a professional pilot and all."

McCoy:"(deep breathes) I'm willing to cooperate, but with my toy already done, why can I just take it and go smash those two losers myself?"

?:"Because it's all in a work of progress, and you've clearly yet to understand everything in which we are putting billions in making and ensuring that you will pilot. If something were to happen, we would be back at square one...and we would need a new pilot."

McCoy:"You think me that reckless?"

?:"Obviously. You caused more destruction riding Nagamaki's mech than any Kaiju either you, she, or the boy have face. And for those reason, are you yet to fully trust you in what we are creating. But not to will get your chance soon enough."

The mysterious one led Emil to were the room where the keeping the comatose Loud Sisters and their changing state. Behind all the tubes and wires connected to them, there was hardly any semblance of their human forms, but monsters in the making, as they were growing scales, spikes, claws and losing whatever was left of their humanity. Coincedentally enough, their growing forms were also in their respective colors as Emil gazed upon each girl as they walked.

McCoy:"So these are where you're keeping the rest of the little punk's family, huh? And the parents?"

?:"Still six feet under the ground. We have no use for them, just the younger ones."

McCoy:"Heh. Creepy. But that makes sense."

Then, they stop at the broken capsule, which some workers were busy working on repairing.

McCoy:"Still can't find the little twit, huh? She only escaped a couple days ago."

?:"It's urgent to we have returned, lest she find her way to the boy, and-"

McCoy:"I get it...(looks at the girls again) say, that gives me an idea. Are any of these girls ready to be unleashed?"

?:"Not quite. They're still going through the metamorphic phase, but I see what you're getting at. You want to have one of the girls released into the city, so that Nagamaki and the boy fight her."

McCoy:"And if they succeed, they'd end up killing one of the dead-weight's sisters. If they, we'd be rid of them anyway."

?:"Hmm...we can have one of them subjected to an accelerated growth hormone. But controlling the girl would be out of the question once she is unleased. We haven't finished installing control modules in their heads."

McCoy:"Don't if we control them of not. We just be monsters. That'll be enough to get their attention."

?:"...Which girl would you be willing to sacrifice for you little plan?"

He looked around until he looked at the red one.

McCoy:"...She'll do."

Meanwhile, back in Royal Woods, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Zack and Stella were doing everything they could to prepare for a possible trip, all the way to Japan. For begging their parents for going along so that they could see Lincoln, to saving up a ton of money to afford the long trip there. But even with all their money coupled up, they only had enough for...

Clyde:"4 tickets. That's all we can afford."

Zack:"We can try and get more money from our parents."

Rusty:"That was all the money from my parents."

Liam:"Same here. My ma was being generous with what we gave me."

Stella:"...5 dollars and 75 cents?"

Liam:"What do you want? I live on a farm, for crying out loud!"

Clyde:"Alright, calm down, people. One of us is gonna have to stay behind. This is all we need for coach and possibly a one-way trip."

Stella:"And do you really think we can convince Lincoln to come back? I mean...he did say that he lost his family."

Zack:"And he's all over the news, showing how he's some kind of superhero now."

Clyde:"Look, we don't even know where to start with how we're gonna talk to him. We're just gonna have to figure it out on the way there."

Rusty:"That usually never works."

Clyde:"We'll just have to wait and see then..."

They all stare at their collected money, wondering how their journey is gonna go...

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