Chapter 3

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Lincoln couldn't believe it. First was the free vacation to Japan, now he found himself in the cockpit of giant Robot's test model. His family stood by in the bunker, some of them nervous about this, the rest were rather excited. Akimi was with Lincoln in the test model as co-pilot. If she was actually gonna let this boy learn how to pilot the robot, she had to be there with him to show him the specks. Lisa took the liberty of monitoring progress despite Akimi's word.

Lisa:"All systems to seem to be functioning properly."

Akimi:"Thank you for that."

Lincoln:"You can trust Lisa. She knows a lot about this stuff."

Akimi:"I hope you're right."

Rita "You do know what you're doing, right Lisa?"

Lisa:"Yes, actually. Most of this is almost that of monitory control booth for when they launch rockets into space. It's basically the same principal."

Lori:"So, you know what all those buttons and switches do?"

Lisa:"Indeed. Although, this big red button is unlabeled."


Before she could finish, Lisa pressed the button, and test model began to blast off...


Both Lincoln and Akimi were screaming inside the test model, which could be heard over to the intercom as Lisa was watching the progress it was making...

Lisa:"So, how's it going on your side, you too?"

The test model was about to enter the stratosphere when Lincoln took hold of the controls...

Lincoln:"I got it!"

Taking action, Lincoln began to actually pilot the robot as he started flying it back to earth. Everyone was surprised to see how easily he was doing it. To Lincoln, it was no sweat, as the controls were just like the video game...

Lisa:"All systems are still green on this end. How are you two holding up?"


Akimi:"You're surprising me, kid! You're like a natural at this!"

Lincoln:"It's just like the video game! Joysticks are for movement, buttons are various actions that this baby can do!"

Akimi:"Yeah, but this is still just a test model! It's not built for combat!"

Lincoln:"I know! What do we do now?"

Akimi:"Try setting us back down to the ground!"

Lincoln:"I'm getting the feeling you don't trust me too much!"

Akimi:"Just do it! We need to take this nice and slowly!"


And with that, the test model flew back into the forest, where a clearing was seen. It was perfect for landing, as Lincoln had moving in and the test model slid to the edge of the clearing before coming to a stop...

Akimi:"Not bad for a start. In fact, pretty good!"

Lincoln:"You think so?"

Akimi:"Yeah. Everytime I've used this with McCoy, he crashes the test model in some trees, making it practically fall into pieces."


Akimi:"He was lucky enough not to get us killed. Believe it or not, this isn't the first test model I've been forced to build because of him."

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