Chapter 8

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Akimi was walking down the street, trying to avoid any unwanted attention from people who instantly recognized her. Her thoughts were on Lincoln, who was gonna be leaving today. And as much as she wanted him to stay, she knows that she can't be allowed to, especially with his family most likely not wanting her around Lincoln.

Akimi:"It's not like I can convince them to let him stay. He is just a kid, he shouldn't be putting himself in danger like that."

But as she continued to walk, her attention turned over to a store that had anything anyone could ask for. Thinking about it, she thought that the Louds would at least appreciate a few gifts to show that there's no hard feelings between them...

Akimi:"Maybe, I could even get something special for Lincoln. So that he could at least remember me."

Meanwhile, the Louds were all packed up, Lincoln hasn't moved for a while and the twins were fighting over a Pikachu plushy. At top of all that, everyone of them were that Lincoln was gonna get a lot of attention even back home. Lori and Leni had already text from their friends and Bobby, saying that Lincoln was the talk of the town. Their brother was as famous as a celebrity, and it's honestly something the sisters couldn't tolerate.

Lori:"It's literally safe to say that Lincoln deserves to be grounded."

Lola:"Yeah! Now, we can't even leave this place without being bombarded by a bunch of psycho fans!"

Lana:"Speak of which, are they still out there?"

Luna looks through the peep hole to see for herself, and say a bunch of eyes looking at her.

Luna:"Yep. Little bro's got fans."

Luan:"Well, we're not gonna let that continue on. Our brothers going back to being a chick repellent instead of a chick magnet!"

Lola:"Yeah! And all will be as it should be!"

Luna:"Wow. You guys are supportive."

Lori:"Luna, you know Lincoln needs to be punished."

Luna:"I know! ...But he won't even talk to us. He's gotten real depressed ever since we told him we're leaving and he's grounded."

Rita:"He had it coming, Luna."

Lori:"And just you wait. In literally, a few days, this whole thing will blow over and Lincoln will get over it. God knows we have already."

Luna:"(sighs) Of you say so."

Lynn Sr:"I'm just really hoping to get back to my restaurant and get back to cooking."

Lola:"So then...why aren't we leaving now?"

Lisa:"Well, we still have a dozen of Lincoln's fans outside the door."

But, it was then that they heard some commotion outside. Sounded like someone grunting and the fans screaming and running away in fear. A second later, they heard a knock at the door and Lori opened it to see Akimi standing there with some bags.


Lori:"Oh, no."

Just then, Lori tried to close the door, but Akimi braced it with her foot. A little push-a-war later, Akimi kicked the door in and sent Lori flying onto a bed. The Louds were not at all happy to see her.

Rita:"What are you doing here?"

Akimi:"I just came to my farewells. And to show that there's no hard feelings between us, I brought you these gift bags."

Rita:"Well...that can be appreciated."

Akimi:"And I also have a special gift for Lincoln, if you don't mind."

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